The United Commonwealth Charter, or, the Greencastle Accords
On this day, we all are One- Prime Minister Albert Wesley, the Earl of ThornshireThe signing of the Greencastle Accords, or, more properly, the United Commonwealth Charter, marks the start of the official calendar used by the countries within it, hence the term A.S., or After Signing. More importantly, it also marks the occasion when the heads of state of 3 nations, from across the 12 Worlds, banded together to form what is, after almost 200 years, the most powerful political, economic, and military alliance in the 12 Worlds. It has grown even more over the years, but the core principles stated in the Charter are still followed, despite the turmoil endemic to the 12 Worlds.
Principles of the Charter
The Charter was written not only as a show of solidarity by member states, but also as a guide to direct any future actions undertaken by the Commonwealth. The founding principles of the Charter, and of the Commonwealth, are:
- That democracy was the most humane, moral way of running a country, and that the UC should do its best to spread it
- Respect for the Human rights of Freedom of speech, religion, and to assemble peacefully
- The abolition of slavery, serfdom, and any such forms of forced labour
- That all are equal before the law, be it local, national, or UC law, and that all are entitled to a fair trial
- That wars of conquest are unethical, and the UC will not engage in offensive wars, but will defend one another if attacked
- That all peoples have a right to self determination
Constitutional actions
The charter also put into place many of sub-organisations that would come to define the structure of the Organisation. The organisations that were formed are:
- The Council of Nations, which composed of the elected heads of state of the member nations, with Presidency being changed annually. It provides the overall strategic aim of the UC, can declare war and initiate other acts of foreign policy, appoints the Directors and other leaders of the Commission, and can initiate legislation
- The United Commonwealth Parliament, whose members are elected by the population of the states in the UC, which has the power to pass or veto any budget or legislation put forth the other two bodies, as well as to approve the deployment of the armed forces in peacetime
- The Commission of the United Commonwealth, which contains the Directorates of the UC, such as the Commonwealth Trade Directorate, and the Commonwealth Technological and Scientific Directorate, though the latter is a more recent addition. Headed by the Director of the Commission, it also has the power to initiate legislation, and provide enforcement of the laws. Directors-General are nominated by heads of state, and approved by the UC Parliament
Decree, Governmental
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