Orc Species in TestTown | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Orcs are powerfully built humanoid figures. They have half pointed ears, though not as long as Elverne

Biological Traits

Hair color is usually color like brown, black, red and any color in between. Very few times have orcs with blond hair been seen.
Skin color is usually a brownish color that can go from light brown in a few cases to almost completely black. Sometimes with a greyish tone in the skin.
Eye colors you often see, is colors like brown in different tones, but you can also see blue and green, although not very often.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The orcs often live in Mushurt which is a hot and dry desert area with few oases.

Civilization and Culture


Average Height
Usually over 6 feet tall
Average Weight
About 230-280 pounds

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