Elfskiss Material in Tessera | World Anvil
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Elfskiss is a drug produced from the leaves of the Elfskiss plant. It has psychoactive effects on the Beornic Races of varying strengths depending on preparation. The name "Elfskiss" is derived from the description of the drug first found in the Geographia by the 2nd Century IB human Agapean geographer Stavros, who recorded it in a passage about Amellion Abrisom.  
"[…] [a]nd in these Amellion villages there are prostitutes aplenty, and they are prone to chew the leaves of a weed growing in the place, such that when they kiss, a most pleasant stinging sensation is left on the lips, or so I have heard it said by those who do such things." – Geographia, Stavros (c. 100s IB)



Raw Elfskiss

  The raw leaves of the Elfskiss plant, commonly called "weed", are chewed by the user, which produces a mild stimulant effect and makes the user more social and talkative. This form is commonly used throughout the world, and has only a mildly addictive nature.  

Dried Elfskiss

  The dried and cured leaves of the plant, referred to as "leaf", are chewed by the user, or smoked rolled in other leaves to produce a Sikar. This form is also a stimulant, albeit a stronger one. It also produces a pleasurable sensation during use which lasts about one hour in a standard human. This form is more addictive, such that if cut off from supply, a user will generally attempt to seek it out.  

Demon's Ash

The cured leaves of the plant are soaked in highly concentrated alcohol for months, and then boiled in alcohol until nothing remains but an ashy powder on the bottom of the pot. This powder is scraped off and then baked into sheets, which are then shattered back into powder. The result product, called "Demon's Ash" or just simply "powder" is then insufflated by the user. This is the most potent form of Elfskiss, which produces a feeling of pleasure without comparison. It is also highly addictive, with most frequent users ruining their lives trying to acquire more. This form is banned by most governments, and prohibited by the Haugrkirk Emuna.

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