The Voyage of the Void Genesis Myth in Terrok Galaxy | World Anvil
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The Voyage of the Void Genesis

It’s widely known that the Destruction of Orry-VI crippled the Phentomite expansion efforts. So much so that the empire constructed a vessel designed to sustain the eggs long enough to find a suitable world for them to hatch on.   Rumor has it they found a world deep in unexplored space, and have been creating an army to return with and take over the confederacy once and for all.   The Phentomite Republic denies these rumors and claims that they lost contact with the Void Genesis shortly after the fall of the empire.

Historical Basis

It is well known that the Phentomite did commission a vessel named the Void Genesis. It’s also known that the Raxelite were pressed into creating a Medical Ship with the biotechnology necessary to keep Void Dragon eggs from from going bad.
Recently the Phentomite disclosed the fact that a mission to save the Void Dragon species did take place, however the ship was considered M.I.A during the last Phentomite conflict. After the empire was reformed into the Phentomite Republic the mission was classified as a failure.


This myth was little more than a conspiracy theory until the Phentomite confirmed the existence of the Void Genesis vessel.

Variations & Mutation

Some believe the ship itself was designed to hatch the dragons and has been breeding them from the ship itself.
others believe the entire story was made up to incriminate the Phentomite and block their admission to the confederacy.

Cultural Reception

Many people believe that the existence of the vessel alone is proof that the Phentomite do not hold confederacy values and should be expelled.

In Literature

The Void Genesis is a prevalent concept in a lot of speculative fiction throughout Terrok. Most notably the holo-drama “Quasar Journey: Voyages”

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