Syadra Dynasty Organization in Terrestria | World Anvil
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Syadra Dynasty

The Syadra Dynasty rules the Syadra Desert and the surrounding Savannahs. The nation consists of a number of desert cities within desert oases, as well as cities in the surrounding Savannah region.


The leadership is very passive, open, and accepting. They do not actively work to help improve equality, but similarly do not try to exploit their citizens. It is believed that everyone is given equal opportunity, but in reality that tends to not be the case since the economy is dominated by large merchant guilds and there is little available simple labour to be done. This has resulted in a society which is effectively an Oligarchy. But skilled artisans and well connected individuals will find a comfortable life under House Devosa.   Many cities are dominated by Runner gangs, which use arcanomechanical vehicles known as Dustrunners to traverse the desert searching for wreckage and artifacts from the age of arcanum. The cities in this region are generally quite lawless, with people and factions left to settle disputes on their own terms. Many Runner gangs ambush trade caravans, while other Runner gangs provide protection to trade caravans   This society has very strong equality, but weak equity.


The first explorers of central Ostensia encountered a mysterious individual in the desert who identified themself as Ha'jeed Sy Adra and led them to the locations of oases where they could establish a network of civilizations. Ha'jeed Sy Adra ultimately became the leader of these civilizations.   To this day, an individual known as Ha'jeed Sy Adra is still the official head of state. They rule through a network of individuals known as the Hands of Adra. It is unknown if the current head of state is the original Ha'jeed who led the first explorer's through the desert, or if they have been quietly succeeded while maintaining their successors.
Major Exports
Largest export is glass which requires skilled artisinal training.

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