Ryndarien Empire Organization in Terrestria | World Anvil
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Ryndarien Empire

The Ryndarien Empire maintains control over Northern Ostensia. The Gilded Run River marks the Southern Border of their territory, which extends Westward from the coast of the Amaranthian Ocean to the Shores of the   Emperor Yuriel Ryndarien is currently the head of state.   The Ryndarien empire controls two puppet states, which were previously controlled by the Noble houses of Hardt and Blackwater before being conquered in Military Conquest. Both states were allowed to maintain the majority of their existing culture and political structure, but are now required to provision 70% of all military forces to serve the Ryndarien Empire. Additionally, both houses were required to instate temples of The Novum in their major cities and abstain from worshipping outlawed deities. Advisors known as Maesters were sent to the major cities to help maintain political control. The Maester of each major city is responsible for communication with the centralized power in Capitol (often utilizing arcane means), and thus is often considered to be the voice of the empire.   The Ryndarien house focuses on arcane experimentation, and also development of industrial processes and alchemical transformations using arcane technology such as arcane arc furnace metallurgy and artificial synthesis of rare gemstone.


The Ryndarien empire has large scale and widespread economic disparity. The working class is heavily taken advantage of and mistreated by nobility. There is deception amongst the higher classes, which often take advantage of the working class. It is not the uncommon to see unjust incarceration of innocent people, solely to further a political figure's personal agenda or propogate their (often corrupt) world view.
Predecessor Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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