Lynnie Ivyhoof Character in Terrellian (expired) | World Anvil
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Lynnie Ivyhoof

Minotaur druid serving Sarenrae. Wondering the world in search of adventure. Protective of nature and cold to those who harm it.

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Tombs end

Finally found Tham's item, a cloak. Shilbek seems to get blinded an awful lot. Poor girl, we'll have to invest in a tapping cane for her or perhaps a guide animal. We finished up the first level of the Tomb and did find stairs leading down but had been advised against going further down so we left. Outside the dungeon we was discussing plans when Alavarra a elven ranger introduced herself and started talking to us. I enjoyed petting her dire wolves. Beautiful creatures. She told us of a troll in the underdark that cares for a mushroom bridge. Sound very interesting, I'll have to try to see it sometime. She advised to take fresh meat which if I do I'll make sure to do so. It's a couple days journey back to the capital. Alavarra took us to the capital where we enjoyed a good meal and rest. I discovered some info about Halana. She was a druid/fighter wielding twin scimitars. I also invested in the fishmonger and have begun crafting. Creating two campfire beads.

Tomb 3

Big centipede!!! Really big centipede!!! I hit it really hard but sadly got it's attention after it had bit and threw Tham. I'm really liking my new Scimitar and want to know more about Halana now. We also found another shrieker but plugged our ears and killed it without issue. We then found a trapped door with an acid trap which hit Aurelia. The room behind it seemed empty but I discovered an invisibly chest. Inside was a red dragon scale skirt that is like our other items. It seems to have been for Genesis who claimed it. We're now resting in the room as Tham needs to recover from the centipede's venom.

Tomb entry 2

So we explored some more and found a couple interesting items. A staff which Shilbek now carries that we suspect might have once been Kala the Lunatic's A holy sword that was hand delivered to Aurelia by one of the minions of her god. An the scimitar of Halana that I now carry. I have no idea who Halana is yet but if we get back out of this place I intend to seek out any mention of her in the cities archives. Aurelia sadly is still tending to run off on her own and sometimes getting into trouble for it, she got ambushed by a dark dwarf while off bathing alone. I can only wonder what further rewards and horrors await us in this tomb?

The start of the tomb

We finally found our way to the Tomb of Kala the Lunatic, why Salty Joe just couldn't have told us still eludes me. Guess we had to earn it or some dumb cowpie nonsense. Humans sure have some silly concepts. Our paladin Aurelia concerns me. I'd always believed the paladins possessed at least some measure of intelligence. I've seen plants with more common sense then this woman. Her idea of checking for traps? Charge into rooms and down halls shouting "Iomedae protects!". Well those burns you go sure seem to prove otherwise. An doors *sigh* does she walk up and try pulling or pushing it open? Nope, walks up and kicks it. Seriously beginning to wonder if Iomedae simply took pity upon a brain damaged idiot and for her own amusement granted them paladin powers. I can only pray that if we ever encounter a paladin of Sarenrae that they make a much better impression upon me. We by passed a shrieker without alerting it and found a pool of water. It seemed ok but when Shilbek went in to soak something dragged her under. Our so called paladin instantly turned to walk away. Is this the image Iomedae wants projected into the world of her? I didn't hesitate to jump in after Shilbek in an attempt to save her. I looked till I had to surface for air but couldn't find her. So I surfaced an was preparing to mourn her loss when moments later she was ejected from the pool. Apparently the water creature 'enjoyed' her then released her. It talked to us an is a guardian of sorts for the Tomb. Aurelia once again showed her 'wisdom' by heading off alone while Shilbek and I still spoke to the creature, who had opened another path for us. We did catch up to Aurelia but that's not the point. Also I failed to mention that we spoke briefly with an emissary of the gods. Shilbek had some....choice words for Aurelia during an arguement and well I guss one of the powers that be took exception. Thankfully it only delivered a warning and shook Shilbek to her core, I hope the poor girl recovers....

Trip to the capital

So we traveled to the capital over the last couple of days. Encountered some weird cat thing with snakes that breathed a sleeping gas on us. Bit of a panic as both Genesis and Aurelia fell asleep. Thankfully the rest of us managed to whittle the beast down and kill it. We didn't risk seeking it's den in case it had a mate. It concerned me such a creature was hunting the roads of the kingdom. Veskit had a good idea of making water into wine, might have to look into that. We're now safely at teh capital and resting. Eager to see what awaits us!

The day in Vertitas

Well then... I guess all my notions of a princess was way wrong. We're all sitting there just finishing our meals with Aurelia joins us after she spoke to the Baron. She had a hard candy sucker and well...she was sucking on it all right! Going to town on it like a two copper whore! Right there in the middle of the tavern too! Several gentlemen was certainly enjoying the show. Such lewd behavior for a princess, no wonder her mother sent her away. I'd be ashamed of her too! We discussed becoming an adventuring party but struggled with a name. I'm not a fan of White Condor but it'll work for now. Personally I liked the Wild Bunch since we are a fairly wild group and in my opinion there really wasn't any better suggestions. I did also suggest the Misfit Brigade but no one commented on either of these offers. Time will tell I guess. On a unrelated note I think I will begin giving coin to this tavern owner. See what he can do with the place. I really do like what he's done so far

The first few days

So during my trip south seeking the capital, I encountered Tham. It was good to see a familiar face. He too had just woke up in a field. I told him of my mission and he came with me. After some travel we saw some dragon flying north and moments later a little one almost crash landed on us! I offered to heal the cute little thing who called herself Sil but she refused. We talked briefly before she flew off to join her kin. A short time later we came upon a camp, a caravan heading north to Veritas with relief supplies. With them was a ratling named Veskit and a tiefling named Genesis. Veskit is a curious one armed with a very loud ranged weapon which she called a rifle. Genesis carried two large axes the one seems almost too large to be used properly. The camp was not long after joined by an elf paladin named Aurelia, worshipping Iomeade. A god I can most certainly work with. In the morn we broke camp heading north, my mission accomplished as Aurelia turned out to be the princess. We was the relief for Veritas. We came upon an ambush by some goblins, it took us a moment to get into the swing of it but the goblins fell with only Aurelia suffering an serious wounds. Which I of course healed as best I could. We'd later make camp a couple hours from Veritas as we didn't wish to try breaking the orc lines in darkness. We didn't get much sleep however as the nights quiet was shattered by all manner of noise. The orcs clearly under assault by magic mostly fireballs it seemed. A troop of over a hundred rushed us and we prepared to meet them in battle but they was cut down by a unit of elvan bladesingers, we didn't get the chance to thank them and the magic used left very little of use to us. Much to my joy the dragons from earlier then landed to eat the corpses. We talked with them while they did so and I got to touch one! I was very pleased to see the cute little Sil was safe and sound with them. After they departed we resumed resting with plans to enter Veritas and examine the damage come morning.

Life begins anew

So... Everything I wrote previous? Don't matter... Woke up in a field. Where? No clue.. Did see a nearby settlement so went there hoping for answers or at least a good meal. Got the good meal, not as many answers as I would've liked. Wasn't there more then a couple hours when alarm bells rang. Place was under threat of large scale attack. I was given a message and sent south to seek aid. Managed to avoid the war party and am now rushing south seeking the capital to deliver the message. Hopefuly they can help these people. The food I had there was quite good.

Lynn's First Entry

So...Arrested for trying to save some tortured dogs being forced to fight for sick peoples pleasure. Woke up in a slave market cell. Bought by a noble lady named Kelandrisa who turned out to be at least part celestial. We can do her task to earn our freedom. Task is to clear a dungeon and return to her with the loot. A rival of her's also seeks the loot. Plan to sue them to weaken the dungeon's defenses then deal with both problems at once. Am working with an Ifrete and a Tiefling. Don't know much about the Ifrete yet but the Tiefling...oof she's a charmer all right. The sort of personality you'd happily shiv a few dozen times in a dark alleyway. Anyways hopefully we're able t owork as a unit to complete this task and become free again.


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