Terram The Ages of Terram Timeline
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The Ages of Terram

The Shattered Age

The area now called Terram is ripped apart from the ancient super-continent once called Tertan in a massive cataclysmic event. Leaving the northern Rektan and southern Nastan as independent continents.   Only a quarter of Terrams population survives the first year, as smoke and ash blots out the sun.

  • 999 tSa


    The Scorched Year
    Disaster / Destruction

    A portal to the underworld opened in the middle of the sea where Terram once dwelled, wreaking havoc on the now stabilized continents. Fiendish legions March upon the mortal world, the world is in total chaos for A single year. Rektan and Nastan suffers the brunt of the incursion, Terram is mostly protected due the protection offered by the sea.

The Replenishing Age

The godly powers finaly decend upon the world, chasing the fiendish legions back, leaving only the closed portal of Devils Maw left. The first mortal to ever claim godhood accends as the god of death: The Raven Queen   After the arrival of godly powers in the realm, a new age was herald

  • 117 tRa

    27 Snowtide

    Dwarfs arrive in Terram

    Three Dwarven ironclads sail from Rektan im search of the lost territory of Terram. The ships; Moradins Will, Dumatoins Leap and the Unsinkable III arrive at the island called Hammerfall after The Unsinkable III sinks due the mist surrounding the waters.   The two remaining ships make landfall in a fjord at the end of the Bador mountain chain, it is filled with many waterfalls and the settlers dub it "Mistwall". Preparations to colonize the area is enacted when no native population is found close by.

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  • 121 tRa

    23 Palesun

    The fist humans arrive in Terram
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Restless Sea
  • 232 tRa

    The first Dwarven king of Terram
    Political event

    The old Governor of Mistwall Gunbar "Sea hammer" Steelheart becomes king of the Bador mountains and Terrams dwarves are now free from the direct rule of Scorcfountain. His clan will lead the Dwarven holds for nearly two millennia. His son Dun will later take the throne 40 years later at only 152 years old.

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  • 520 tRa

    1020 tRa

    8 Palesun

    The reign of the Triarchs
    Cultural event

    Terram is unified with a mixed of defencive allianses and brute conquests, three Triarchs ruled the three portions of Terram. In later times only one powerfull Triarch would rule this would come to a end under the Terror Triarch who was de-throned by a united rebelion in the North

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  • 620 tRa

    640 tRa

    First Northern war
    Military action

    The first Northern War was a conflict that took place 300 years before the start of the second war. It involved the dwarfs of Deeptower on the northern side of the Bador mountain range, as well as the human kingdom of Edencross located along Terram's northern coast. During this time, a powerful dragon and its cultists had infiltrated the kingdom of Edencross and began to sow discord and destruction. The dwarfs of Deeptower became aware of this threat and sent their armies to aid the humans. After a long and brutal conflict, the dragon was defeated and its cultists were scattered.

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  • 780 tRa

    The hariq kingdom is created

    The fiefdoms around the Ankh river is unified under a dwarven warlord the old concord of Dun's End Hariq Steeleye.

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  • 945 tRa

    2 Raingrow
    965 tRa

    5 Firewane

    Second Northern war
    Military action

    After many border scirmishes between the Hariq Kingdom in the east and the goliath clans to the west is war decleared.

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  • 965 tRa

    5 Firewane

    The Glowfall cataclysm

    A mystical arcane explosion appears on a battlefield in the North of Terram abruptly ending the second northern war, and causes masive ecological and geological destructuion

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The Divided Age

A cataclysmic event splits the northern and southern Terram, great devastation is felt in the north as the south raises 1000ft up from the sea. The area where the two sides meet is dubed the Great Rift.

  • 380 tDa

    Ankh-Morport is established
    Construction beginning/end

    The Sun-king of Hariq sends more and more resources towards the smal fishingtown at the mouth of the Ankh river. The citys size and wealth increases rapidly and the previously isolated Kingdom of Hariq becomes more open to the world giving a influx of new ideas and resources to the Kingdom. The folowing years shows Ankh-Morports as a gleamig gemstone in the middle of the scourhed desert, and the city becomes the Sunkings new capital in 2420

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  • 602 tDa

    30 Firewane

    Smedjohn König's Creation day
    Life, Birth

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  • 615 tDa

    681 tDa

    The Reign of Ashtaridon the Crimsonspite
    Military action

    The great red dragon Ashtaridon the Crimsonspite arrives in Northern Terram, it reapes havoc across the North-East in its flight to claim the treassures of Dun's End. The dragons claims the Dwarven stronghold as its rightfull lair and enslaves the surrounding monster tribes. It threatens the Hariq Kingdom with yearly ransoms after the Sunkings armies fail to kill or scare the dragon off and the kingdom falls into a economic crissis.   A band of adventurers is summoned to the Sunkings palace and he begs them to slay the dragon. They finally manage to End the dragons terror in 2601 and they are celebrated in all the realms.

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  • 660 tDa


    Ashskin pandemic
    Plague / Epidemic

  • 697 tDa

    5 Firetide
    700 tDa

    14 Firetide

    The firetide revolution

    940 years after the founding of the Hariq Kingdom A revolution is started in the Hariq kingdoms after a decade of tyrany and famine, it was revealed that the Sun-king and his court was a follower of Bane, god of tyrany. A band of adventurers with support from local merchants and pesants overtrows the monarchy after three years of blood being spilled in the sand.   The firetide concord is established the same month, and takes control of the former hariq territories becoming one of Lunarias youngest nations.

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  • 764 tDa

    27 Highsun

    Leo's Creation day
    Life, Birth

  • 780 tDa


    The destruction of the Unyielding Unicorn
    Gathering / Conference

  • 780 tDa

    10 Palesun

    The destruction of the Unyielding Unicorn
    Discovery, Exploration

    A ship nears the shore of Terram but is attacked by a mystic weapon from the Lighthouse and the Unyealding Unicorn starts to sink. A band of strangers decides to investigate the lighthouse while the other survivors head to a nearby fishing village.

    Skiold Beacon
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  • 780 tDa

    10 Firetide 22:00
    780 tDa

    11 Firetide 08:00

    The dark one rises from the pits of Dun's-end
    Disaster / Destruction

    The horror that lurked in the depths of the dwarven city comes to the surface once the planetar have been banished from its duties. It comes after the party who seeks shelter in the hidden vaults beneath Dumatoins temple.

  • 780 tDa

    11 Firetide 17:00

    Siedge of Mos-Dunar
    Military action

    The party arrives outside Mos-Dunar on their Airship to see the city is under siedge a massed army of Goblins, Orcs, Giants and more, they do what they can to relive the defenders and rescue refugees

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  • 780 tDa

    15 Firetide

    First blow in the Ankh-Bonfire war
    Life, Publicity

    The party encounters a masked mage in the middle of the street after the first war council in Ankh-Morports Lawhouse. He does not reveal their identiry and demands the party to give him the "Ruby Throne". When no satisfactory answer is given asks the mage "What part of this city is your least favorite?" The say "the one youre in" He then bombards the entire Flame ward with a Meteor Swarm resulting in downed players and the citys fort in ruins. The first blow have been dealth!

    Harriq Desert
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  • 780 tDa

    20 Firewane

    Siege of Ankh-Morport
    Military action

    The Black Bonfires armies amasses infont Ankh-Morports walls

    Harriq Desert
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  • 780 tDa

    14 Lowsun

    Death of Cryssalix the Iceingdeath

    The Champions of the Ankh unknowengly flies throug a Ancient White Dragons territory, it demands tribute but is rejected. It attacks the party but is nearly singlehandedly defeated by Lamien the Crusher who duels the dragon in a intese air combat, he manages to chase it down when it tries to flee due to its wounds by can not stop the righetious smite that finnaly knocks it out of the air plumeting to the ground. Her mate the Greatwyrm known as Craggmaw by the local goliaths, was called with sending spell by Crysalixs with her final breath not to come after and instead watch over the lair and posibley their children or eggs. Lets hope for the champions sake that he heeds his mates last words...

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  • 780 tDa

    30 Lowsun 24:00
    780 tDa

    1 Goldfall 01:00

    Coldshare Eve
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The full moon is at its zenith as the clouds over Winterport part, it reveals the largest of Lunarias Moons; Groon is eclipsed by its smaller sister Moork. The Moorkar Eclipse looks like a massive pale green eye in the sky, watching the world bellow. In a flash it seems to shift and focus upon Winterport, and as if seeing an optical illusion the moons seems to be much closer to the ground. The sound of hunting horns and the baying of otherworldly hounds can be heard from the sky and a massive horde of riding beasts, hounds and creatures resembling hunters appear within the pupil of the moons eye, The Wild Hunt has arrived.   The Wild hunt gallops down from the sky and streams through Winterports streets, the sound of metal against metal and the howls of wolfs can be heard from the hill where the Oak of Ages stand. After an hour with little prey, the first members of the hunt rides over the walls and towards the Champions of the Ankh.  Waves of fey hunters on horseback and their viscous hunting hounds slowly weakens the party. With chains and spears Arlando is the first to fall and his unconscious body is dragged by magical chains into a green portal. Azrael falls after taking out two huntsmen at once.    The master of the hunt arrives in the sky impressed with the party's show of strength, he sends his lieutenant down and the scythe wielding monster of a man wreaks havoc until only Obsidian remains. As she stand alone time seems to freeze, the master of the hunt congratulate her and her "pack" for the show, he whispers something in her ear and she falls unconscious too, wrapped in the fur of her last prey.
