Terram They brought us in cold or...yeah just cold.
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They brought us in cold or...yeah just cold.

Life, Crime

Fey Prison time.

The party awakens in a state of confusion, cold and naked in a place they do not recognize. Gradually, they become aware that they are imprisoned in cells made entirely of ice, deep within a glacier. Their wounds have been healed, but their clothes and gear is gone, replaced by rough potato sacks. Worse still, those with magical abilities find that they are unable to cast spells, thanks to rings of Magebane Iron around their necks.   As they explore their surroundings, the party discovers that they are not alone. They share the prison wing with several other prisoners, each with their own story to tell. Obsidian finds herself in a cell with Lyrene, a half-elf who claims to know something about the party's nemesis, the Black Bonfire. Lamien shares his cell with a frozen corpse that soon transforms into Viscount Wintercrook, the eirie fey they met in the basement who seems to enjoy the torment of the prisoners. Wintercrook offers to help the party push back their "court date," but at a price. Arlando pays the price of a lost song.   After performing some manual labor within the Wintercasm Keep, the party is summoned to their trial. The proceedings of the trial of truth and lies are strange and surreal, full of fey-like questions and unexpected twists. Despite the oddness of it all, the party emerges victorious, proving their innocence in the eyes of the Winter court. Suddenly, they find themselves back in the mortal realm, disoriented and unsure of where or when they are. For truly time is a weird soup in the feywild.

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