The Ruby Throne Item in Terram | World Anvil
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The Ruby Throne

The seat of the Triarch; a throne suposedly made out of a piece of the Ruby Dragon Sardior, made entierly out of pure Ruby. It is said to be the seat of power of a ancient civilization called The Ruby Triarchy in the Ages before the continents split.    Legends tell that it might grant massive amount of power to the right worthy claimant, some scolars think it is even the cause of the Repelled Age where the main super-continent of Lunaria: Tertan split up into Terram, Rektan and Nastan. In later years it is even claimed to be a smal piece of the ritual the Raven Queen performed to accend to Godhood.  The Ruby Throne was last seen and used during the splitting of Terram, where the Terror Triarch in a gambit to keep their hold over Terram tried to lift the entire South of Terram up from the sea. The Triarch was executed during the rebelion and their loyal followers sequestered the Throne far away.   The Triarchs enemies greatest divinationers and seers only gleemed a single hint to where it may be hidden:  
Benearh the waters crest, where the lands hveth not been blessed. Thrice claimed, thrice lost. Sit the throne away from siners plot. A king on the run fought the world, fought the evil gods word, away from the cold and moon. In vaulted halls entombed. Away from shadow, away from the world.


Not only a symbol of ancient rulers but also a most potent magical artifact. Whoever controlls it might rival a demigod in power alone...
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Some time before The Repelled Age
Current Location
Owning Organization

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