Welcome to Terrack in Terrack | World Anvil
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Welcome to Terrack

You are spawning in the city of village of Hogan, a small village of about 600 taking place in The Great Kings Empire. The city of Hogan is currently owned and run by the Barnes Family, they hold a tight grip on the villagers, but they've been known to be fair. General knowledge of the between common folk of the empire is of the poisonous forest that is corrupting the Forest of Keclan the city of Hogan is about 3 miles north. The poison and corruption isn't for another 20 miles into the forest, but it is slowly taking over the entire forest. /h1]  

The land of Bekend has rolling hills and mountains across the northern shore, this is very advantageous because they are the most southern continent in the world of Terrack streams run A big lake at the center of Bekend provide the various streams the cut through the land. Each of these streams represent natural borders that cut the continent into 3 individual empires. These streams are completely covered in forests which make up most of the middle part of Bekend. All kinds of people live in Bekend, races are very diverse in these lands. Tensions are high between the three empires of Bekend. This is being caused by the slow but steady corruption of the Forrest of Keclan, the central part of the continent that is known as the connection point between the empires. It has been know to be a place of peace and a big factor in the creation of The Treaty of General Prosperity. Each empire swears that the other is trying to gain control of this area to gain a superior advantage in a war waging against all of the nations.

The continent of Omul has had all of it's currently colonizable areas colonized. The Zertix Empire has taken controll of these areas. But various wild portions of Omul have yet to be explored. This strange continent that only arrived post calamity is dangerous, but is teeming with opportunity   The continent of Aubixun is a lawless land filled with tax evaders and criminals. Not much is actually known or recorded in this continent, but legends and rumors talk of a secret empire of these thieves living in this land.


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