The Great Kings Empire Organization in Terrack | World Anvil
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The Great Kings Empire


The Great Kings Empire is ran by a group of the most powerful nobles called "The Council". This is a group of unknown people who make the big decisions for the whole empire. It is knowledge of the general public that The Council has one leader amongst them, and that The Council is overall thinking as the people first, they are fair rulers and most don't think worse for worse with them.


The people of The Great Kings Empire are proud people. They trust in their government, but if they didn't they would definitely show it. They don't like too submit unless it is binding. The people are hard workers starting from the lowliest peasant, up too The Council. This has lead to quite a powerful empire that isn't afraid to get word done if needed.

Public Agenda

Most people keep their loyalty to the city of Diwell, and to The Great Kings Empire in hopes of one day, even the slightest chance that they get invited to become a member of The Council. For once you reach this rank, your life, and the life of all your loved ones will be lived in comfort. It is one of the best ways to get out of being in the lower class, to moving to the highest class imaginable.


The Great Kings Empire uses a standard currency of Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. It also has a large military army, a capital city, a strong marine fleet, forts across the land, and finally 6 scouting towers across the land as well.


In the year 100 PC a large wondering group of humans and elves wanted a place to reside, and to not have to worry about the wild anymore. First they wondered until they found a river, naming this river "The River of Hope", they then began to build. Starting as a small village, but as more and more experienced people and builders began to arrive, they expanded and expanded. Increasing their influence across the land, over the course of 200 years, leaders came and fell, but their influence had expanded to a point that they could consider themselves a small empire. The original empire was ruled by a single king/emperor, specifically it had been passed down the Reginald family. After these 200 years of building and careful political positioning, a new emperor was named. Derek Reginald, direct son of previous emperor Kingsley Reginald. Derek felt that the time of peace should be over, and felt that if The Great Kings Empire were going to become the strongest in the land, that they had to fight for it. He commanded his people into battle against other kingdoms in this specific area of the continent of Bekend. He invaded the others lands brutally and without mercy, he had a habit of leaving no one left, absolutely no one. While his empire was indeed growing, he was losing the people favor in the process. His closest advisors were all planning a plot to end his reign and start anew, all they had to do was wait. Over the course of 20 years, The Great Kings Empire had indeed been made the strongest in the lowest region of Bekend, and he had his eyes set on the other empires across the natural river border. Before he could invade however, his advisors completed their plan, killing him and taking over the empire. They formed the first Council. The people were wary at first, but they eventually accepted The Council after they explained their intentions, and how open they were with their tactics. While the years leading up to the present were filled with war, they were still good days for the empire. This eventually lead to The Treaty of General Prosperity, and then to the present day.


Founding Date
100 PC
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Kings Empire, Snobs Fest, The Imperialistic Empire of Order and Freedom, The GKE
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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