Half Ogre (Olog-Hai) Ethnicity in Terra | World Anvil
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Half Ogre (Olog-Hai)

long ago there were orcs who worshipped strength so much, that they would mate with the horrid looking species, ogres. years later, the Olog hai (which is literally Orcish for ogre kin) are hulking brutes that generally have simple loves in life. booze, fights, and Fornication.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Mai, Bula, Shar, Aga, Mag.

Masculine names

Bruz, Hakon, Mork, Kruk, Gork.

Family names

family names are generally just the first names of their parents (For example, Mork Son of Kruk)


Major language groups and dialects

Common Orcish Giant

Culture and cultural heritage

they keep very close to the old orcish traditions, even fighting feral orcs.

Shared customary codes and values

traditionally, Olog hai believe the strongest rule, but they take it to the extreme. the chief is the only one allowed to have children, and one of his sons will kill him in combat to lead the tribe. and then the cycle continues.

Average technological level

similar to feral orcs

Common Etiquette rules

don't fight people weaker than you, this is seen as you being wasteful of your strength, and stupid.

Common Dress code

They usually just wear loincloths, and sometimes females will wear hide tops, though not always.

Art & Architecture


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

like all Orc kin, they wait for Sau-ruu-ka, orcish for 'Call to Armageddon'. whether feral or civilized, when Sauruuka is called for, the olog hai will follow whoever calls it.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Olog Hai are raised from birth for one thing, and one thing only: combat.

Coming of Age Rites

when an Olog Hai reaches the age where it can swing a weapon, they fight members of the tribe until they either die, or win.

Funerary and Memorial customs

when an Olog hai dies in combat, they are given a funeral pyre and burnt to ashes.

Common Taboos

incest and necrophilia are bad. as is retreat unless absolutely necessary. and if you leave the tribe, you are never to come back.

Historical figures

Maaka Bruz: one of the Maaka of Dahzhugahn, bruz is seen as an oddity among Ologs. A cheerful, well spoken Olog with a very shocking tactical wit.


Beauty Ideals

both sexes like 'em big.. very big.

Gender Ideals

gender matters little, everyone fights for the good of their tribe traditionally.

Courtship Ideals

there are none really.

Relationship Ideals

traditionally, the Olog-hai don't form true relationships, they just mate with whoever they want.
Encompassed species
Related Locations

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