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The death of the Mountainking had put a heavy blow for the northmen, the same could be said about southerners for the disappearance of the Dessertqueen. Both occured within a week of eachother. And that isn't what should terrify you. The Mountainking died after a year in illness. At first it wasn't that noticeble but four months into the illness he became unable to move outside his own castle. After that he quickly became weaker. He then heard about the Dessertqueen and her healing abilities. People was sent to get her but it was to late. The Dessertqueen lived in an oasis in the far south. There she ruled with kindness and foresight. At night she had gotten disturbed dreams. And when she had seen what that should come, she orderd her seven most loyal servents the come with her. She then took her horse and said to her servents to come along. None of them knows where they went.

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