The Unchained Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Unchained

In time, these eyes will see all realms.   ARVAN HASTABAROVICH  
The path of the Unchained was one taken by adventurers whose goals were to explore and map out the plethora of environments within and even beyond the Prime. They would take on the roles of horizon walkers. Those explorers who had an irresistible sense of curiosity and wanderlust to travel took on the path in order to gain an innate connection to their surroundings, whatever those surroundings might be. As horizon walkers became more experienced, they treated their surroundings as part of themselves, which gave them special abilities and senses to protect them from the dangers of incessant travel.


Few things will surprise a horizon walker, for there is little that hasn't already been experienced by such an individual. The only thing that truly piqusd a horizon walker's interest is the truly unknown, which unfortunately becomes harder and harder to find for an experienced seeker of the unknown and untraveled. This knowledge aides those who would seek a horizon walker's wisdom, for the horizon walker is an unsurpassed guide and vanguard, which can be the single difference between life and death in the woods of the Feywild or the wastes of the demon-infested Abyss.   Though the majority of the Unchained have some training as rangers, many also have a degree of experience as bards, barbarians, or even druids. Bards are attracted to the path as keepers of forgotten lore and natural wanderers, and barbarians are attracted by a similar pull. Those few druids who take up the role of a horizon walker are also drawn by a sense of wanderlust, though their commitment to the natural world and its defence make their numbers relatively few.    Members of the Unchained, regardless of their origins, see one another as a kind of loose brotherhood, a bound network of warriors who push the limits of what was unknown and what had been discovered.

In time, these eyes will see all realms.

Founding Date
Secret, Brotherhood
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