Malik Dustbranch Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Malik Dustbranch

Malik is a bardic mage operating out of the Free Peach under the instructions of the Harpers. He has worked with the Harpers since they were known as the Moonlight Brigade after being semi-adopted by Lizzy. He contributed in the Battle of the Azure Burrow where Talichtoli was killed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malik grew up on the streets alone, orphaned, and poor. He had no one to watch over him or to provide for him, so he learned to provide for himself. He fought fiercely over food and kept a constant watch out for other desperate souls who might steal from him. He slept on rooftops and in alleyways, exposed to the elements, and endured sickness without the advantage of medicine or a place to recuperate. He has survived despite all odds, and did so through cunning, strength, speed, or some combination of each.   Before the Liberation of the Free Peach, he was camping out underneath the Greenhouse of the Gods as he had forged bonds with the local branch of the Arcane Brotherhood. It was this connection that made him useful to Lizzy Enel and Ayfa when they needed to collect Arcanum Flowers from the greenhouse.   Malik joined the Moonlight Brigade after meeting with Lizzy and learned more bardic and wizardly magic as he progressed within the Brigade's ranks. He became a proficient agent and spy for the Brigade and helped Meredith Greytower in secret quests. He then helped buff the party when they confronted Talichtoli in the Azure Burrow.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
7985 25 Years old
Tousled, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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