The Waset Council Organization in Terra Antiqua | World Anvil
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The Waset Council

The Waset Council is the ultimate authority for the temples of Khemet, and also the center of the most powerful temples. The entire Khemeti temple system participates in the Waset, and any of the 250 recognized gods may petition here. Each temple sends representatives to the Waset, and the Waset has divided Khemet into nomes. Each nome is headed by a land manager called a nomarch who prepares produce reports and oversees public works. The Waset reads these reports and the Temples bid on projects suggested by the nomarchs. If a project raises enough money after three rounds of bidding, the nomarch then attempts to complete it with the money given, though the nomarch can ask for an increase, but any increases come from the nomarch’s salary in payments to 120% of the project’s cost less the initial approval sum. The Waset are priest lords of wealth and power, their decisions final by acclaim of the membership. They have ruled beneath the pharaohs since the days before Hau-Aha, before the Great Unification, and continue to do so under the governor at Alexandria. So long as Khemet produces for the basileus, the Waset may do as they please, and he receives 20% of both harvests and the entirety of the biannual cattle drive as his due, which supports the legions and the Mare Nostrum navy. The Waset Council maintains Temple communications throughout Khemet. Outside of Khemet, the Temples must rely on their own systems, but the Waset allows almost instantaneous communications between temples in Khemet.

Public Agenda

The Waset cultivates Khemet for maximum production and arbitrates disputes between temples, albeit only from a financial as opposed to doctrinal basis.


The Waset conducts the biannual cattle drive and allocates resources throughout Khemet. They also determine the markets and destinations of all Khemet products outside the land itself.


The Waset began as a cooperative effort within the temples of a city, and as the temples grew beyond a single city, this cooperative tradition continued as well. After Unification, it became a regular operation. The temples began convening in Waset for convenience, as the city is centrally located and controls the eastern trade road but has no powerful temples to dominate the council nor is it near any of the military bases of the pharoahs. When the Forbidden Name rose, the Waset was threatened enough the temples gave it an army and walled their city, but that heretic was cast out in short order and the Waset officially recognized by all succeeding dynasties.
Corporation, Conglomerate
Controlled Territories

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