Azurian Hegemony Organization in TERRA AFTER EARTH | World Anvil
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Azurian Hegemony

"Think of our galaxy as a living being, with the Covenant being its heart. Well, the Azura are more like a tumor. A tumor that needs to be cut out."   -Airi explaining the Azura to Richard
  The Azurian Hegemony is an antagonistic faction in TERRA AFTER EARTH. Despite not being the main threat in the story, the effects that the Azurian Hegemony had and still has on the galaxy influenced many present conflicts in one way or another.


The Azurian Hegemony is lead by the Matriarch and her Inner Council made up of several high ranking Azurian generals. While the Matriarch coordinates her empires expansion, the generals enforce it, taking their orders directly from her. Despite the generals also having some agency of their own, the words of the Matriarch are final and must not be questioned. However, every 500 years the Hegemony will create a new clone of the Nightmother, their central religious figure, who will assist the Matriarch while being equal in terms of power. This clone is called Nox and while the Matriarchs words are final, the words of the Nox will always be considered first.


The Hegemony is a female dominated society where men are bred as mere slaves or DNA donors as Azura rely on cloning technology to create offspring. All Azura are genetically modeled, meaning that their looks and personality are defined before they are born. In addition to that, Azura also receive special conditioning, making them spiteful against men by default and favouring women as sexual partners.   Overall, Azura are very militaristic and expansionalist, claiming planets for themselves even if they are already inhabited, mostly either enslaving or wiping out the population. Their expansionalism is rooted within their habit of destabilizing their own homeworlds ecosystem regularly, with Nox Imperia being their third capital planet within a millenia. Nevertheless, Azura who serve in the military are usually highly valued within their society and are the only women who own the right to have a harem. While many Azura only marry their sisters and one additional partner, Azurian soldiers are allowed to have an unlimited amount of wifes, with special clones being given out as a bonus for military achievemnts.    In general, a common Azura is elitist, arrogant and mostly pretty aggressive even towards women from other species.

Public Agenda

The Azurian Hegemonys main goal is total domination of the galaxy as they fear that the Covenant might be a threat in the future. Also, their reckless consumption of ressources has lead to a severy need that has to be satisfied.


Azura are feared for their technological breakthroughs, as they possess the most heavily advanced weapon systems in the entire galaxy, even WPD (Weapons of Planetary Destruction), which the Covenant can only hardly counter. Despite their main fleet being 3 times the size of the Covenants Vanguard fleet, the Hegemonys fleet is often broken up all over their territory to supress all the hostile species they encounter during their conquest.


Much to everyones surprise, the Azura have turned out to come from another Mimikry Earth, meaning that they were once human. However, during the Regression Wars 12.000 year ago, a biological weapon called FeNeA-12 (Fertility Neutralization Agent) had been released on their homeworld, making the every woman on the Planet infertile. Records show that a scientist called Noel C. Turner was desperately looking for a vaccine against FeNeA-12, and treid to spread the vaccine with a genetically engineered virus. Soon, women had been cured and were able to conceive children again, however the vaccine also seemed to be lethal for men, as it mutated and was targeting every being with a Y chromosome. Unable to stop the rapid death of billions of men including her own husband and son, Dr. Turner created the cloning technology that the Azura use up until today. After the pandemic was over, Turner wanted to clone new males to stabilize her species, but was held back by a religious cult worshipping her for "freeing" the women of their male opressors. Despite Turner insisting on the need of a healthy balance between men and women, the cult quickly took over and started breeding men in secret as new DNA donors while they built a new, female dominated society which would later on become the Azurian Hegemony we know today.

Dark is the Night and so are We

Founding Date
669 BC
Alternative Names
Azurians, The Hegemony,
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Gem Coins (GC)
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species

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