Gieloskan Species in Ternate Lanterns | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Physiologically, the Gieloskans of the second layer are astoundingly light, even for their slight stature. The feeble arm of a human child can heft a Gieloskan adult overhead and toss him a dozen paces. Their flesh and muscle is spongy, and their bones are hollow, threaded with many sacs of levium. Compared to humans they are slender and lissom, graceful and elegant of build, with little muscle. Gieloskians are perhaps the closest thing to a human on an unearthly planet, and they are essentially humanoids much resembling the neo-tolkien elves that we are so accustomed to in this day and age. Save for the fact that their skin is blue and their hair is very white, but that's not much of a difference. Their blood is bruise-purple like wine and evaporates immediately after the blood has been shed. Their levium sacs allow them on higher-gravity planets to hover a respectable distance above the ground, but on their own planet they can virtually fly to some extent, so they do not fear heights at all. There is a network of veins threading through their bodies connecting these sacs with their little valves and all that regulate and control the distribution of levium throughout their bodies much like blood.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gieloskans have cocks and vaginas like we do, but they do not give birth to live eggs - instead, they lay eggs which are rubbery and white and split open after a period of 4 months, with a toddler inside. When these eggs are laid they are slightly larger than two tennis balls and from then on, after the period of incubation, they are large enough to accomodate a toddler, and the face and fingers of the infant inside can be seen pressing up against the rubbery beige-white outer skin of the egg, after which it will gradually burst open accompanied by a gooey deluge of effervescent green placenta. Then for seven years the mother who incubated the egg will take care of the juvenile, after which the child would have made friends and accomplices who will soon substitute the role of a familial group, and then the parents will simply abandon their own child and perhaps even each other at this point. Gieloskans are not known for their dedication.

Growth Rate & Stages

Younger individuals – though this constitutes anyone who has yet to reach their fifth century, will refuse to take anything seriously unless it grievously threatens their lives or their reputation. They live carefree lives, spending most of their time floating about and doing as they please. They explore the world with their friends, living off whatever grows on the clouds, and as they do inspiration falls upon them and they create splendid works of art on a whim – and yet, their navigational senses rarely falter, and they will always return home. And if it does their friends shall avail. Sometimes they fuck each other silly. Absolutely nobody cares when their teenaged girls show up home with bellies wobbling with eggs. And once this fifth century concludes, they adopt a wizened composure and immerse themselves not in hedonism but instead higher matters, replacing the pursuit of fun with that of knowledge. They cease acting like twelve-year olds and immediately adopt the personalities of venerable men. Of course, this stereotype does not hold true for all Gieloskans, for there are some who remain children for ever, and those few who decide to settle down and pursue knowledge at an early age. The transition to adulthood is a mental metamorphosis, the ability to think in fully formed thoughts. At this stage of life wonder and whimsy is derived not from the superficial magnificence of the natural world but instead from the invisible connections and inner workings that tie it all together.

Ecology and Habitats

They live upon the woolly clouds of planet Jhaeloe and their extremely lightweight physiology prevents them from sinking through the cloud-crust. More specifically, they inhabit in their greatest profusions the middle layer of the Jhaeloen skies which directly derives its name from these people - Gielosk. Gravity and air density is equally proportionate in contrast to those two factors on the other layers. Because of their ability to ingest vegetation on that layer they tend to seek out clouds with foliage upon which they may construct their settlements and camps because the wool holds together well than on clouds that are barren, and thus on there there are no roots to hold together the cloud-crust. Gieloskians alleviate this problem by planting domesticated plants wherever they want to settle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivorous and spend lots their time hunter-gathering, foraging for food wherever they are. Gieloskans are not good bearers of burdens and hence they bury their provender in hidden caches.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Most of their faces remain cherubic and neotenous-looking for a great portion of their life until they become venerable, at which the fat will soon drain from their faces, then their visages will be slimmer. Facial features, while exceedingly anthropomorphic, vary by ethnic group, for the aforementioned sentence is perhaps the only generalization that one can lay upon the entire Gieloskan species.

Average Intelligence

Though they are extremely good at doing things if they set their minds to it, they are easily distracted by many trivial pursuits and are scatterbrained by our standards, exceedingly carefree and whimsical. Despite all this they possess similar cognitive capabilities to humans and are good at solving immediate solutions when they are forced into desperate situations as their abstract thinking is very sharp, although their long-term thinking and consideration of the future is rather abominable. Gieloskans are not renowned for their analytical capabilities, but their empathy compensates for this.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Gieloskans look so similar that a single blemish from what their particular group accepts as desirable - which ranges from a specific nose shape, the direction and shape of the point of one's ears - will render them an outcast, at which they will spend a long time looking for someone who looks like them .

Courtship Ideals

Sex is fun.

Relationship Ideals

Very little. Stay together for as much time as you like after conceiving your child and part ways as you wish. They don't care about these things very much and will probably forget their partners after this, and dump their seven year old children in virtually any place as long as said progeny has a decent number of friends, they will do this at a whim, without any emotional drawbacks.

Common Dress Code

They wear light garb woven from gossamer, and sometimes their savants don voluminous robes. Gieloskans wear whatever currently suits them, or what is currently popular in their current band, although these clothes are never thick or multi-layered because they may encumber them down. Everything about the way they dress is light, very airy, and leaves a great deal of bare skin exposed. They don't cut their long silky white hair, ever, and don't braid it, although they do set em through beads and string them up.
850 years
Average Height
1.4-1.6 meters
Average Weight
Average Physique
Very slender and somewhat shortish, although the amount of muscle and fat within these frames is rather variable. There are no robust or broad Gieloskans, they all are lithe, though not grotesquely so.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin commonly varies between a dozen shades of pastel blue. There are several isolated examples of aberrating dermal hues scattered about the second layer’s more remote regions, like teal or indigo skins mottled with pale sapphire, or a garish electric blue that looks like coloured plastic. Freckles and spots are very rare, most are homogenously tinted, the same way across the body.
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