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In the beginnings, where matter was forming and chaos was leaving his place in favor of creation, the gods created the land and the seas: with their breaths they created life, and with their infinite power and wisdom, thay shaped the form of lands and mountains. The gods decided that their world shall be perfect. No filthy impurity shall touch their creation, a world filled with order, balance and pure, innate perfection; Every plant, drop of water, breathing animal or humanoid was to give his best in his role to mantain the balance, and banish forever everything that could taint it. Once the basics were done, the gods, satisfied from their creation, decided to leave it to its own judgement, beliving that their balance would remain perfect no matter what; and with that, most of them disappeared in the endless realm of space and time. Tough the inhabitants of the land heired their ideals, there was something the gods coulden't predict: over the veil of reality, far away from the divine influence, there were creatures born from pure chaos, the Old Ones: creatures of immense power and boundless hunger for power, who gazed at the god's creation with malicious intent. One day, one of theese beings decided that time was mature, and descented onto the perfect land that was Terminus. The Outer Entity began immediatly to wipe everithing and everyone in his path, burning down towns, man and beasts. The world quickly responded to the threat: legions of warriors, divine and not insurged to face the entity, and ancient beings were summoned, remainings of the old gods. The entire world waged war against the invasor, and every single living being gave all itself for protecting the balance given by their ancestors. The war was long, terrible and many divine and non divine races perished and disappeared forever, tough, with an extreme sacrifice from the divine kin, the living were able to weaken the Old One and repel it, ripping his physical body in pieces. The world was scarred, wounded, but had not given up on living yet. The many years after the Great Old One war were difficoult, tough the region managed to recover its stability. The Old One, tough, left more than physical destruction: the minds of the living were tainted from his mere presence, planting the seeds of greed, wrath, luxury, envy and all the chaos that the gods tried so hard to repel. With their creation tainted, the surviving gods fell into silence, defeated and ashamed; Their goal was lost, their world tainted, and nothing could ever bring back the primordial vision of it. As the gods, even the Old One was waiting, hidden in the dark face of the ominous moon that always watches the living, as he waits, recovery, and dreams of his second coming and conquer.

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