Querda/ Querasarla Ethnicity in Teranya | World Anvil
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Querda/ Querasarla

Mermaids of the North Sea.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Reore (current), Aresell (the decider), Quiara (sea) , All mermish first names are derived from one word only.

Masculine names

Saolar (sun), Neptino (Neptune), Acel (tide)

Unisex names

Noray (seaweed) , Melari (love)

Family names

Surnames are a combination of the parents' first names. For example, if Aresell married Evyan, their child's surname would be Evyasell.


Major language groups and dialects

Querdish - dialect of Niadlic. They used to communicate in clicks and whistles, but switched to Niadlic when Niadla came. Unlike Niadla, who moved to the Roman alphabet, the Querda still use Zimaren

Average technological level

Established civilization before humanity

Common Dress code

They don't wear clothes, though sometimes adorn their hair and tails with sea treasures.

Historical figures

Saolar, Aquista


Gender Ideals

Stricter than that of Niadlic, as Querda are assigned a gender at birth. They are at perfect liberty to change their gender identity later in life. There are 4 genders recognized by Merpeople: male, female, gender fluid, and non binary.

Courtship Ideals

Sex is not permitted before marriage, and courtships are usually 15-30 years. The older partner has to ask the younger partner's family for permission to marry.

Relationship Ideals

Querdish couples are equals. They share equal rights and responsibilities in the family. Both parents raise the young, similarly to how penguin parents take turns watching young.
Encompassed species
Related Items
Languages spoken

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