Disjoined Duchies Geographic Location in Tephra | World Anvil
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Disjoined Duchies

In the central area of Estier, these quarreling nations have selective memories and strong traditions.


The Duchies have all kinds of terrain. From the rolling hills bordering the Old Regime's mountains in the north, to the dry country that gradually becomes the Desert of Serpents in the south. Even some enchanted islands off the eastern coast have been claimed by one nation or another. Prairies and valleys, streams and steppes, tide pools and volcanoes.


This area is large enough to have a fair amount of variation in climate. The sea coasts and northern Duchies tend to have clouds and rain all year round, while the southern reaches are more arid and sunny. The majority of the region falls somewhere in between, with warm and glorious summers and mild winters.


The first proper nations of this region began to take shape around the year 9000 of the Mortal Era. As people united around rulers and identities, they built things that lasted more than a generation or two. Things like castles, roads, temples, libraries... and grudges. Some historians argue that certain disputes between two duchies have outlasted both sides of the argument, and been picked up by the heirs or conquerors.
"Duchy" might be a misleading term. Not every ruler is called a Duke or Duchess or Duxe - some prefer "Prince" or "Marquess" or "Augustax" - but they all expect to be treated as sovereigns. The duchies are simply nations that are smaller and less permanent than kingdoms.
A full list of the Disjoined Duchies would be impossible. With so many revolutions and annexations over thousands of years, cartographers tend to show the terrain and topography, and let people fill in their own borders on the map once they've bought it. One infamous exception was the Kheziah Geographic Company, which published a map that seemed to endorse East Lozenge's claim to the Flintshine River region. Their offices were burned the following year when West Lozenge reunified the duchy. Two of the more stable duchies are Unicov and Ragnell. Unicov, on the west coast, seems to be continually expanding since the fall of the Evil Empire, mainly absorbing citizens who speak Unicovan. They have an uneasy arrangement with the lizardfolk, but might soon be tempted to seize some strategic harbors that are traditional nesting sites. Ragnell is in the southeast and has one of the most successful colonies across the ocean in Dorend. Their wealth will continue to grow, as long as the colonists of Kobir are content to obey a far-away ducal family.
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