Underhaven Building / Landmark in Tennim | World Anvil
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Far below all the castles and fine streets lie the slums of Underhaven. A poor downtrodden city size district, where crime and disease run rampant.   Years after the War of Six Crowns, the markets and trading areas of Shieldport went unchecked, and when the construction of The Grand City of Haven began, still no mind was put to the small areas below the Castles and Manors. Overtime the areas grew like a fungus, spreading largely around the bottom areas of Haven. Nearly housing a population up to 200,000 it quickly became crowded and gained a reputation for lawlessness and poverty.   The name Pissbottom comes from the very bottom districts of Underhaven where it is said is where all the sewers of Haven pour out too. Pissbottom is also a widely used term by the smallfolk for the entirety of the Underhaven.
Alternative Names
Pissbottom, The Bottom, The Slums of Haven, Slumcity

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