Leofric Riekspiel Character in Teneborous | World Anvil
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Leofric Riekspiel

Leofric Riekspiel (a.k.a. Leo)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and muscular, although considered thin for his kind.

Body Features

Abnormally long limbs with an average torso. Incredible wingspan.

Identifying Characteristics

Jovial and warm expression, he's often got a goofy smile on his face.

Physical quirks

Subtly and slowly bobs his head when he's happy, or when he's meandering, often whistling and humming one of his mother's or Felix's songs.

Special abilities

Can converse with animals and plants.
Can turn into animals
Can turn invisible
Potent Arcane Spellcaster (Druidic magic)

Apparel & Accessories

Always wears his blue bandanna around his head, a gift his mother gave him as a child. One golden hoop earring in his right ear. Wears a long brown coat filled with endless amount of pockets he keeps his homemade jars, and also his insect companions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leofric is the eldest of four brothers raised out of East Bridge. They lived with their single mother, a high class companion of the rich and powerful. All of them except the twins have different fathers, many of her clientele found the varying mixture of different race children to be "uncouth", but Marcella doted on them frequently, and raised them the same. After her death when they were young boys, and no other family around, they were forced to live in one of the poorer orphanages in East Bridge. Where they had to look out for themselves, and Leofric tried to raise them in her mother's absence. Their time in the orphanage strengthened their bond and the brothers were inseparable in their youth.   Leofric always had an infinity with animals and plants, he would converse with them as a child, often leading the headmistress of the orphanage into a rage as the place was filled with all manners of creatures from rats, to scorpions, to boars. He would surround himself with his animal companions and saw them no different to regular people, and treated them with great respect.   Once Leofric turned 17 the orphanage could no longer keep him, and he was forced into the wider world while his younger brothers stayed. He went into the local forest wildlands living among the animals, trying to set up a small home where he could live off the land the way he had always intended to.   His life was idyllic before he discovered and insidious operation running out of a local town, where they would enslave animals, mistreat them, and sell them off to rich and ruthless people. Leo tried to put a stop to operation but he was severely outmatched, only managing to be saved by a dwarven man called Dante Alfreed.   Dante Alfreed had been trailing the organisation and was planning on raiding a massive black market auction in East Bridge when he ran into a fellow kindred spirit young firbolg. He was outnumbered and outclassed, but the fire and determination lite a fire in the old Dwarf's heart, reminding him of himself as a youngster.   Dante recognised Leo's magical and druidic potential immediately, and they hit it off as fast friends. Leo learned the "tricks", as he called them, were the makings of a druid of the moon. One of the sacred circles of the druids. Each master moon druid has an apprentice that they take on for years of study, learning the ways of their kind and developing a relationship with the land.   Leo immediately found this career to his liking, and the isolationist and beastial style of the moon druids was something he never knew he needed. They lived like animals, protected the innocent, and rooting out evil and unnatural forces within the forest. They considered themselves the guardians of nature and the cycle therein.   Years later, when Leo and Dante were attending the annual Moon Moot with their fellow druids, the Elders had one final trial before he graduated to become a fully fledged journeyman druid. He passed with ease, one of the highest scores in the last five decades, it was the proudest day of Leo's life. Dante and he had parted ways, Leo off to rise in the ranks of their order, and Dante to find and train a new generation fo druids.   It was not long after that he had heard the news of his brother Bobby's death, and Leofric had decided it was time to come back and take care of his family again. It had felt like only yesterday that he had left. His training complete, and realising he had shirked his responsibilities for too long, Leo missed his dear family and wanted to see them again.   His brothers had all since left the orphanage a few years prior, and not wanting to lose a moment with his brothers, he went back to East Bridge for Rob's funeral, intending on making sure they were all protected once again.   They lived together again, making ends meet for another year or two all trying to live out their new professions in their old portion of East Bridge. Felix would weave in-between gigs at the taverns and inns throughout the city, while Will was a pretty successful carpenter for one of the local guilds. Leo was a chef for a tavern called "Dew Drop Inn", where he headed the kitchen as the "Chief of Flavourtown" (the owner Gui Feeri's insistence, Leo loved it). Leo loved his job, but found trying to keep his commitments to the Druidic Circle and cook too demanding. So he went to his brothers, who all surprisingly felt the same way. They all decided to commit to a promise they made as kids back in the orphanage: to become Adventurers.   So they sold the house, packed up all the belongings they could carry, and set off to make the world a better place than they found it. Bright-eyed and bushy tailed, they set off to the Hamlet of Little Pig, where an old friend had a job for them.

Gender Identity



"Fluid, isn't everyone's?"


Graduated from Gui Feeri's School of Flavour Creation.
Graduated his apprenticeship under Master Dante Alfreed of the Druids of the Moon. Currently a journeyman.


Dew Drop Inn - Two years

Accomplishments & Achievements

Chef Certificate - High Distinction: from Gui Feeri's School of Flavour Creation.
Certificate of High Merit of the Moon Moot - Award given to exceptional students of the Moon Druid Circle.

Mental Trauma

Death of his mother Marcella and brother Bobby.

Morality & Philosophy

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
We cannot decide how much time is given to us, but we can decide what to do with that time.


Necromancy, it disturbs the cycle and balance of nature.


Family Ties

Billiam "Will" Riekspiel - Younger Brother (Twin)
Robert "Bobby" Riekspiel - Younger Brother (Twin)
Felix "Demeter" Riekspiel - Youngest Brother
Marcella Riekspiel - Mother
? - Father
Dante Alfreed - Mentor

Hobbies & Pets

  • Rupert – Iago Sparrow
  • Millie, Motley, Mergo, Morris, Minerva, Mickey – Adonis Blue Butterflies (3 male, 3 female.
  • Larry – Veiled Chameleon
  • Cynthia – Hypnole Hypnole "Hump-nosed Viper"
  • Reynar – Emperor Gum Moths
  • Zeffirelli – Carrion beetles (5 jars)
  • Fugo – Leeches (1 jars)
  • Poh – worms that live in compost jar


Low, slow, and care-free. Leofric rarely rushes or raises his voice. He speaks as if he's lifelong friends with everyone he meets.

Wealth & Financial state

A happy heart is better than a full purse... Unless it's an empty purse...

Eclectic, bohemian, wild, and sometimes dopey Firbolg with a passion for his family, friends, and nature. A druid of the moon, Leofric is consumed by the cyclical nature of the living world, and protecting it from those that would wish it harm.

Current Location
The Hamlet of Little Pig
View Character Profile
Current Residence
On the road with his Bros
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue
Known Languages
Smattering of Elven.

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