Chronicles of Artemis Prose in Tempertaria | World Anvil
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Chronicles of Artemis

Chapter one: The high priest

Fabien the great was dead, slain at the hands of swedish heathens. About a hundred years later, the vacuum created by his death caused a schism in the corrupt church of early geminism. Three religions emerged, geminism, Cheesy geminism and quacky-geminism. Quacky-geminism believed that because of his sacrifice Fabien should be superior to geminesus meanwhile. In a small village south of Swedenhatius, the holy city of geminism a boy named Artemis by his parents was on his way to his local synagogue and he knew today was the annual purity test. And he was worried because he knew that the highpriest had some sort of “punishment” for those he deemed “unholy” though, Artemis did not know what this “punishment” was.   When he arrived and entered the synagogue he was greeted suspiciously by the highpriest, a few hours later the test began with Artemis drinking a grail of holy water, nothing unusual. After having passed the test he asked to go to the bathroom, he was allowed but when he tried to find the bathroom. He accidentally stumbled upon the highpriest’s room deciding to search the room for anything suspicious at first he didn't find anything but on top of a large shelf was a scroll of women who were in “debt” to the priest. Artemis was disgusted and took the scroll immediately to show to the police, though he decided against it since the clergy had more power than the police. He decided to take matters into his own hands confronting the priest right in front of all the other townspeople, at first the people weren't convinced but when Artemis showed everyone the scroll the townspeople became enraged and immediately rushed the priest carrying him outside to be judged by Artemis. All of the things he had done in the name of god even though in the end he had committed the biggest sin of all: SIMPERY, No mercy was shown.   END OF CHAPTER ONE

Chapter two: The hierophant

  The high priest was dead, slain at the hand of furious townsfolk. Artemis was hired as a hierophant for his efforts in stopping the corrupt high priest and transferred to Cheeseburg, the capital of the Grand theocracy of geminism. Artemis grew up in a religious household, so he knew the ins and outs of geminism the five commandments, the hierarchy, everything. The current god-king whose name was Seohan IV champion of Tom, had just died, and Artemis was after his position as god-king. But Artemis was looking for more than that, his dad was a trader who was killed in an ambush, an ambush by the swedish and Artemis was livid he wanted revenge. Artemis got permission to travel to Rasmustinoble the holy city of quacky-geminism, to try to convert the wrongly converted. In a few weeks he had converted over half the city by using strategic conversion, converting important celebrities and nobles, he even personally converted the current queen jadwiga. For converting rasmustinoble Artemis was promoted to High-hierophant and was automatically entered into being votable for in the next election for being god-king. Two years later all of the four countries had been converted and the person responsible for all of this is Artemis, who was soon voted onto the throne.   END OF CHAPTER TWO  

Chapter Three: The Upper-Hierophant

  Artemis was voted upper-hierophant by the hands of the people of geminism. and with the position came a lot of responsibilities but also a lot of possibilities, his first move was to unite all of the royal societies and city states such as Taruga, Vilnius and Babylon. Under one banner by promising a crusade to stockholm to take back multiple holy artifacts, around this time steam power was discovered which kickstarted development of the geminisim railroad. The bond between the Grand principality of Artemis and the Kingdom of Fabien was truly sealed when Artemis married Holy Empress Jadwiga and declared an alliance between the two countries dedicated to learning the whole world about the good word of geminesus. Meanwhile the progress on the geminism railroad was advancing quickly and the main leader of the construction requested that Artemis be on the ride of the train Artemis of course, approved the day came and Artemis entered the train car. About half an hour into the ride everything was going well until a man stepped up from the seats and shot Artemis three times in the back. The holy power coursing through him kept him from dying immediately, Artemis picked up the sword of hot loads that was retaken in the crusades and stabbed the assassin from the shoulder down to the liver. Artemis then collapsed onto the floor and bled out, his last words were “to think i came this far..” Artemis was dead at the hands of a vile assassin but perhaps a new hero shall rise again…   END OF CHAPTER THREE

Chapter Four: The Saint

  Artemis awoke to blinding light and clouds, in front of him was a figure without a face. "Where am i? Who are you? Artemis asked quietly "I am your savior, Rest now my brother for you are safe." The figure said Artemis started tearing up "I have one question before we arrive." "What is it, brother?" "Will i get to see her again?" "You will" Artemis began crying of happiness as he entered the Divine Temple, he saw Jadwiga and rushed to embrace her. "I've missed you, Thyriem." Artemis said to Jadwiga. After a while Artemis met Fabien, the champion of Geminesus and patron saint of victory. The two became quick friends as they were both saints, Artemis felt a deep respect for Fabien. His courage, brilliant tactician skills and devotion to Geminism. While Artemis was still alive he had a son, it turned out that his son had been killed by the Mad Queen Naima of Fedria. Artemis was furious, he traveled through Artemisia and Fabia. He met a woman named Gwenevere in Ouakalia as the two traveled to Fedria, they were met by a patrol of soldiers. Artemis and Gwenevere were both beaten to the point of near death after a short fight.  
If you're after our lives, then take me instead. Leave her alone.
  The pair quickly traveled to the Coppert fortress, the home of the Mad Queen. They managed to sneak into the Queen's chambers, they were greeted by Naima who had been expecting them.
Gwenevere started the fight by firing two rounds from her shotgun, Naima didn't relent though.
Gwen quickly went down by being stabbed by Naima's greatsword, Artemis didn't put up much of a fight either.
Naima started torturing Gwenevere as Artemis watched on in horror, Naima recognised the fact that Artemis cared about Gwen.
She ordered that Artemis started to torture Gwen, This pushed him over the edge.
Artemis attempted to attack Naima as Gwen distracted her, The Queen went truly deranged and started stabbing Gwen.
Artemis charged at Naima, Throwing knife in one hand and the Royal Scimitar in the other.
He hurled his knife at Naima with such speed and strength that it struck her through her throat, Naima died on the spot.
He hurried towards Gwen who was mortally wounded,
Artem.. I.. Lo.. ..u Gwen's last words
Artemis was heartbroken that he had lost such a close friend. He returned to the Divine Temple with her body for it to be burried there.


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