Telros Geographic Location in Telreon | World Anvil
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The southern region is ripe with interesting plant and wildlife, as well as its inhabitants. The first region to truly form following the war, but the least organized. To the north we have the colder climate, where mountains rise into the sky, some of which are topped with snow year round. The eastern and western regions are relatively moderate in climate, and are where the centers of trade on the continent are located. In the central region, the center of culture and advancement exists; most of the universities are located in this region.   The Royston Ocean of Telreon is vast and surrounds the entire continent. Due to the war, little to no exploration has been attempted or accomplished. King Royston attempted a mission some time after the war, but was lost at sea and never returned, along with his entire crew.


Telros is the one and only continent on the planet of Telreon. Eons old, it has in recent years been the site of conflict and hope. Now that the gods have left the world behind, the future of Telros is in the hands of its inhabitants.     1000000000 BEW The continent of Telros forms.   450000 BEW Life Appears on Telros.   50000 BEW Intelligent life appears on Telros.   0 AEW The Gods leave Telros to begin anew under the influence of its inhabitants, rather than the divine.
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