Hellion Species in Tellaeron | World Anvil
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Hellion is the term generally used to refer to humans who show outward signs of demonic ancestry or influence. Most commonly recognized by physical features reminiscent of demons. Horns, odd eyes, claws, fangs, and tails are all common, but Hellions are as varied as they are rare, and the chances you will find two with the same demonic traits are so extraordinary that even identical twins aren't known to have the same features when they are born.   A good example of this being Luken Ometra and his twin Lucien Ometra who are totally identical aside from the fact that one's right arm is demonic, and the other's left arm is.

Basic Information


Totally human aside from seemly random variances that may include; goatlike horns, singular horns, fangs, claws, forked tongues, red or catlike eyes, sometimes glowing, hooked, pointed or arrowheaded tails, spiked spinal ridges, lacking hair or an extraordinary amount of hair, red or oddly colored skin, patches of scales, bony ridges on forehead, goatlike legs, misplaced organs, extra fingers, or even tiny flightless wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

The origins of Hellions are hotly debated and controversial, some claim it to be a curse, but the more likely theory is that of dormant bloodlines somehow waking up and showing themselves several generations later.   Consider this example, a demon, and a human produce a half-demon child, and that child has a child with a human, producing a quasi-demon. That Quasi-demon has another child with a human and now the result might be comparable to a Hellion. They also have a child with a human, but since the bloodline is so diluted, the child is just human.   The bloodline still remains, it just lay dormant until one day it shows itself in a child, who's parents are no doubt quite disturbed, since they probably don't even know about the demonic ancestry to begin with.

Growth Rate & Stages

Same as human

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The ability to see better in darkness, or even see perfectly in it are not uncommon.

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

Luken Ometra, Akata Sunstrider
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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