Cherub Species in Tellaeron | World Anvil
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"It was not a painful birth, in fact, compared to her other pregnancies, this one barely hurt at all. That didn't seem all that strange to her. What did seem odd, was how the whole room had begun to crowd around her newborn. All of them in awe at the apparent beauty of he offspring. Finally, she demanded to be allowed to see her child. They obliged and she gasped. The golden eyes of her baby looking to her, wanting desperately to be with his mother. The mother embraced the child, the gift from the gods, promising to give him a good life."   Cherub is the term usually used to refer to such births. A child with some markings of the heavenly angels upon them, usually born to families that show no such ancestry at all. A notable exception being the Sunstrider Family which consistently produces children that fall into this category, probably due to them being descendants of Belonira Sunstrider

Basic Information


Anatomically they are identical to humans, aside from a variety of special features that vary between individuals. Metallic golden, silver, bronze or platinum irises. Silver, gold, white or sky blue hair. An aura of holiness despite no training in a religious order. Glowing eyes. Metallic skin tones, as well as blue or green ones.   Some children even display more extraordinary features, such as patches of feathers on their backs or even small wings.   Typically, not two cherubs look the same, however, the Sunstrider Family is an important exception to this rule since almost every member of the family is born with silver hair and metalic golden eyes that seem to catch and reflect sunlight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Human, with traces of angelic origin.

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