Raleryn Species in Telarith | World Anvil
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The Raleryns are one of the smaller and less known of all teryn races, having neither the great history and main focus of the lithryns nor the black stain of the legacy of the sekryns. Instead, they are a small teryn race that is most prominently found in southern regions of Telreymor, and frequently mix with other lithryns in the kingdom of Telar. Yet it would be a mistake to underestimate this tenacious people. They have endured there own trials and torments, yet have survived them all. They are uniquely able to balance and manage different facets of their lives and the magical arts, and are seen as a combination of several different worlds: dark and light, chaos and order.

Basic Information


Like most teryn races, the raleryns appear humanoid, with paler skin akin to lithryns and long fingers and limbs. The most unique aspect is that they have on single tendril "thorn" while lithryns have two, and sekryns have three.

Biological Traits

The raleryns are most distinct due to their tendrils, of which they have three. The primary tendril that emits from the back of their head is a biological wonder, which siphons magical energy, often arcane or light, and stores it. Lithryns are able to use this orb to provide light, and in drastic instances, for extra energy, healing, or magical spell casting, but are also capable of repelling magic as well, a sort of shield, though the effect is quite small. Raleryns are also able to commit coshar, which is a specific and special ability of lithryns that allows them to "connect" their primary tendrils together, and share and understand each others emotions. This is an incredibly personal action, and is only performed by close friends, family, or spouses.

Genetics and Reproduction

The raleryns have reproductive cycles nearly the same as other humanoid races, with a gestation period of about nine months.

Growth Rate & Stages

After birth, a child raleryn grows up normally, quickly developing the normal structures of their race. At around 4-5 the tendrils upon their face begin to expand and develop, and they greatly increase in intelligence and curiosity. Typically around the age of 12-15 a lithryn enters puberty, and begins, and they fully develop the coshar or "sacred bond" that is frequent across their race. Lithryn are in their prime from their 20s to their 30s, and regularly live up to, provided they live a normal safe life, 80 years.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All lithryns have fair faces and lighter hair. Specific racial markings are found on their faces, and they have pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The raleryns are spread all across the world, and are quite adaptive, but are primarily found only in their home continent of Telreymor (specifically in Karmilea), or the Aether Islands. Some are also found in port cities within Sothakar, or in other urban areas in lithryn cities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Similar to the lithryns, the raleryns are capable of the coshar and are better at naturally sensing any type of magical auroa or presence.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Due to the incredibly close nature to the lithryns, the naming traditions of the raleryns are almost exactly the same with their lighter counterparts. Names are given at birth, with their surname marked by the family name and the name of one's parent. In raleryn tradition, the father is given first choice to name the child's first name. Each name is divided into a first name, the personal name, followed by the name of their father (or in case of the fatherless the mother's name). If the raleryn is noble, the name of their house or line is given. "esh" is used to denote "son of" and "esa" is used to denote "daughter of." Only a few of the noble houses might also have "esha" which means "of the house of" or "of the line of." And only a very exceptionally rare few are given the title of "ren" which marks a founder or creater of a house or line. For instance, Abrithas Ren’Vaeynal was the founder of the legendary Vaeynal dynasty.   Some common male names include: Pesean, Achenthali, Tryor, Shenventur, Davoloman, Sorandol, Antinmer   Some common female names include: Thanama, Teratea, Yatirena, Turezal, Liarra, Turianaa, Shendal, Shanterri

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The raleryns speak Teloish, but are known for their specific accent. Of course, certain raleryns that have lived in lithryn areas for long periods of time speak without any noticeable accent.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The raleryns are often the most peace-loving and neutral of all the teryn races, always trying to find common ground. This often makes them good ambassadors and diplomats, and many raleryns have been involved with the conflicts between the sekryns and lithryns.   The raleryns also favor balance and harmony, a major theme in their culture. They believe that in order to best live a happy life on must balance all aspects of their world, and this idea is often called the Theory of Balance. Going to far, in anything, is wrong and only leads to further destruction.   Raleryns are also very adaptive, having been spread out for hundreds of years and used to living in other lands. But they always hold onto their traditions and beliefs, and are quite crafty and intelligent, capable of analyzing a situation and reacting accordingly with simple calm tact.


The origins of the raleryns is, unlike the lithryns and dakryns, less clear and known. Scholars have fiercely debated how and exactly why the specific raleryn race emerged. Theories postulate a magical or genetic mutation, wild experiments gone wrong, or an effect of lithryn migratory splintering.   The most common consensus is that around 200-300 AD, some sort of strange anomaly caused the arrival of the so-called "Purple Ones" otherwise known as the Kal'aedori. Accounts differ on whether these were divine beings or another lost race from a far-off world. Either way, these "ones so far and preen, of skin like colored robe divine, whose arts and dance bewildered all that stared upon with graceful bounty rich and full" quickly interacted with a few remaining teryn tribes that had migrated there. These interactions turned to intimacy, and the mating between the two races created the the raleryn or "mixborn"   The raleryn tribes were formed over several generations, so for most of their early history, they were but a small footnote in the grand pages of history. Even when their race was fully developed and recognized, the raleryns preferred to stay around their southern lands and lakes in the Cor'letan region of Telreymor. During the reign of the great Telar kingdom they were mostly left to their small lands by the royal lithryn kings. However, during the reign of King Abrithras IV Vaeynal'esha, the raleryns homeland was assaulted and easily conquered, and their people were captured and scattered across the kingdom. This diaspora would result in the a sudden upheaval in raleryn society and culture, though, and would profoundly affect them forever.   The raleryns would remain a disparate people for almost a two thousand years, though several specific communities and regions with more raleryns would form. They would prosper and suffer through the years, in different lands and under many different rulers and kings, some benevolent, other cruel and hard. Though their culture changed greatly and many different factions and groups formed, most raleryns retained a few key aspects of their culture.   During the Great Teryn Rebellion, the raleryns were one of the teryn races to unite against the aj'ra, and several important resistance leaders were raleryns. When the Jaanai royal dynasty was founded, the raleryns were given their own specific southern territories, known collectively as the Karmanil. As the Telar kingdom would rise and fall and rise again, the predominately raleryn southern regions would go through several periods as protectorates, a unified kingdom, or multiple vying dukedoms.   Over 500 years ago, the region of Karmilea was divided between over five different major kingdoms. However, a series of wars led by the prominent raleryn royal house of Tekath began their conquest of the region. Under King Dunmathir III Tekath'esha the entire region was finally subjugated under his rule in 3419 AD. This was the creation of the loose confederation of Karmilea, which consists of five major kingdoms and several other principalities all under the rule of the House Karmil.

Common Myths and Legends

Raleryn have almost the same early myths of other teryn races, as they have common ancestry with lithryns and dakryns. However, they have several of their own distinct mythologies and legends after the Great Darkness and the splintering of the teryn race.   The first myth is naturally how the race was created. According to oral tradition and a few written sources, a small group of nine teryn tribes were instructed by some divine entity or source to travel to a specific region in Cor'letan region in the south-western regions of Telreymor. There, they remained protected during and after the Great Darkness. Then came the aforementioned Purple Ones, who settled and interbred with the teryn tribes there. This produced their race.   Later myths would involve several miraculous events and sagas, such as the Fall of the Beast of Yitanq by the hero Pesuer. Following the diaspora of many raleryns, many legends and myths would follow them, tales of protection and heroes who defended the weak and innocent. One of the most prominent example is the legend of Dalid Sashson, a mysterious wanderer who was said to have ambled into the city of Dunnosh and there protected several raleryn grottos against the cruel master of the town. He even was said to have saved the city from a terrible demonic being.
Average Height
5'7"-6'1" ft.
Average Weight
140-200 lbs.
Geographic Distribution
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