Efranof Baynor Character in Tegan/Em/Lia's Other Campaigns | World Anvil
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Efranof Baynor

Efranof Baynor (a.k.a. The Immortal, The Butcher)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, muscular

Facial Features

Heavy brow, hooked nose, haggard beard and shockingly silver-grey hair

Apparel & Accessories

Dark glove over his right hand with a scrambled white star chart slightly raised over it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the wake of Ansik's machinations, one village managed to secure independence from the tyranny of a demon, if only for a few generations. The village's leadership was compromised of a circle of Druids descended from their tyrant's lusts, this Council breaking free with the strength of nature to fight back against outside influence and bring peace and prosperity. Efranof was second generation, born from this council and raised on the teachings of freedom and the virtues of living with nature.   He was one of a chosen few who were specially trained to act as agents of order, able to utilize both Druidic magic and martial prowess to rouse rebellion and combat the dangers of civilization. Gifted a magic sword (his choice, the others had their own gifts), he went out and began to sow his legend at a tender young age, not returning to his home nor following the other chosen, such was his duty.   He was a figure both in the spotlight and the shadows, rallying the people, securing trade routes for villages and budding towns to unite, assassinating criminals and tyrants and spreading seeds of discontent in towns he deemed unnatural. He became an omen of change, for better or worse. This notoriety eventually becoming his undoing. At the age of 52 he arrived at a city and was descended upon by the guard of a fearful Lord, ending his legacy with a slaughter on those streets.   -Dubbed 'Immortal' in his lifetime due to how long he was active (age 16-52), becoming a legend adults would remember from their childhood when they would meet him, artificially increasing the perception of how long he was active, as well as some tales of him being impaled and surviving, or some who swear he was beheaded in another town before turning up to theirs (confusing him with the fate of another of the chosen more than likely). -In the city he fell, 'Immortal' became 'Butcher' with his death, slaying half the guards who attacked him after taking it to a public city street. Some leaders may still be paranoid about such an individual arriving in their land, the tale of his death maybe being seen as a hoax, or not believing it was truly his end out of fear for if they were wrong.   -Ansik being more subtle in their craft, Ef took risks and made a name for himself, I plan for him to be the other side of the same coin; Similar goals, different approaches, the teachings of the revolution warped somewhat over time by necessity from what he came across (I'm debating whether multiclassing Paladin would work later on, the Paladin gifts coming from Druidic magic but the oaths made to Ansik).

Gender Identity





Trained to read, write, fight and enact subterfuge at a young age.

Morality & Philosophy

Fight and kill to survive, if we work together then survival is easy and acts of violence are unnecessary; Civilization is still nature and should serve to allow safety and prosperity.

Personality Characteristics


Raised to be a zealot for a cause started long before him, Efranof has a storied life long after that to shape and sculpt his view and interpretation of what he was raised to do. It's all his life is.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cartographer, navigator, survivalist, assassin, doctor.   Grating, doesn't sugar coat his words, has opinions.

Likes & Dislikes

Homemade alcohol, companionship, loyalty.   Sadism, greed, knitting, large crowds.

Virtues & Personality perks

Prepared to bleed before others and kill before his enemies, but will talk before drawing a weapon.

Vices & Personality flaws

Resents he couldn't choose his path and loses himself to debauchery when the moment allows it.

Rugged middle aged human man, silver-grey hair up in a pony tail and down in a haggard beard.

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Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 8inch
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Infernal

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