sams Species in Tec | World Anvil
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sams are identical to humans in every way and it’s unclear weather they are another species at all. sams do their best to emulate a being named Sam who judging by the higher class of sams behavior seems to be just a average human. sams are usually very bad at this however and often have very high and low capabilities and behavioral quirks that they try to “fix” even the higher up sams have the bad habit s like plotting world domination. sams are extremely patriotic and their goals are usually to support their nation and make it more “civilized”. sams have something like a hive mind and can communicate with each other over long distances.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

children of sams have a high chance of being sam

Additional Information

Social Structure

sams social structure is dictated of of how similar the sam is to Sam and sams who are lower class often listen to orders from higher ones unless it’s going against their ideas of who Sam is

Geographic Origin and Distribution

sams are found all over the world of tec

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They are all called sam

Gender Ideals

Their are both male and female sams and they are totally equal because Sam is a mindset and has little to do with physical properties

Common Taboos

Going against their image of who Sam is

Historical Figures

Sam sam sam sam and sam

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