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life apostles

a special type of death apostle that have white scales and they are incapable of killing anything, but they are able to absorb the bloodlust of others especially death apostles they’re element is almost always protection

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The only other difference between Death apostles and life apostles besides their scale color and ability to take away murderess urges is that their arm blades are dull

Genetics and Reproduction

When a life apostle has children they always die of childbirth and the child is usually another life apostle

Growth Rate & Stages

life apostles are considered an adult at age twelve and around that time is where they do most of their growing

Additional Information


Usually life apostles are kept in check by threading to hurt any innocents if they don’t comply

Uses, Products & Exploitation

life apostles are highly prized by human nobility as a way to calm them down and a captured life apostle is extremely valuable though the Death apostles guard them ferociously

Average Intelligence

life apostles are on average more calm and analytical than Death apostles.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

life apostles are traditionally named after types of animals

Historical Figures

one of the most important historical figures for the life apostles was Monarch who was Grimgaw’s twin Monarch during the time period where all the Death apostles have went berserk Monarch invented a new way of absorbing bloodlust normally life apostles just put a hand on the target to absorb the bloodlust and while this method is more effective there was no one to hold the rampaging Death apostles back so it wasn’t feasible in this case Monarch discovered that it was possible to drain someones bloodlust while dodging their attacks inventing a new way of style called the dance of the Monarch that all life apostles learn since that day.
Two other historical figures for the life apostles are Lion and Mouse Lion was the first and only life apostle to kill someone and go berserk after her entire tribe was wiped out one by one in front of her as a sick experiment to see what it would take to make her kill she ended wiping out an entire army and stayed in the remains of her village weeping until another life apostles named mouse came and allowed her to gain enough sanity to end her own life mouse shared this story with only other life apostles and it’s berman passed down ever since

Common Myths and Legends

life apostles have a slightly different version of the legend of the being of light that has been passed down orally it began the same way except for after the being of light experienced true loss for the first time instead of immediately being sympathetic towards the shadows nature made weapons out of light and slaughtered the shadows after this they recreated the shadows and couldn’t help but get reattached to the first friend they ever had and the story then goes like the Death apostle version except for that their was one addition to the creation of the life apostles if a life apostle a being who is as close to the being of light as possible is put in a situation where they are willing to take a life and walk the paths of destruction they will have the power to wipe out all their enemies until they are no longer satisfied by revenge.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
life apostles have white scales

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