Dream sheep Species in Tec | World Anvil
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Dream sheep

A sheep who's wool goes through the colors of the rainbow and feels like a cool breeze to the touch that sometimes appears in the dreams of others.

Basic Information


Is not actually a corporeal being and as such it's actual composition is ever changing and often doesn't make sense.

Ecology and Habitats

The minds of others.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Is sustained by the creativity of others though they don't actually drain it from that person. It really enjoys the dreams caused by a type of grass nicknamed dream grass and will usually appear in the dreams of those that have eaten it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sometimes more then one dream sheep appears in a dream and when this happens they spend the majority of their attention on playing with each other.


Are very friendly towards those who's dreams it inhabits trying to bring them joy and comfort.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

People buy dream grass for an inordinate amount of money to guarantee the comfort the dream sheep brings

Average Intelligence

Is very in tune with the emotions of others but are not very good at understanding more complicated things like the reasoning for them being upset.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Has an instinctive understanding of the dreams they occupy.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Nightmare Rams exists to protect the dream sheep and when their was multiple dream sheep and they both can be found in the same dream the dream sheep shows signs of affection to the Nightmare Rams.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Is friendly with pretty much everyone and they usually show their affection with head butts.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that the dream sheep will appear in your dreams at the time that you most need it. It is said that the dream sheep come from the dreams of children and the Nightmare Rams comes from the worries the parents have for their children.
Genetic Descendants

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