Neir Traad Geographic Location in Taraxia | World Anvil
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Neir Traad

The Heart of Bannatrach

It's said that the most beautiful lands in all the world are to be found in Neir Traad, a vast expanse filled with many lands, from the seaside kingdom of Sweethoney to the vast expanses of the Desticar Desert, the dense forest realm of the Greatwood to the city of the misty lake, Fogloft.


While the terrain vary's greatly, it's easiest to say that the region is filled with lush green woods, vast plains and long flowing bodies of water. To the east of the Greatwood lies the Desticar Desert, which sits west of northern Ehena's Spite. To the far south is the Great Plains and the Wretched Valley which meet the Einar Gates (passage into Morgaria). To the west is the long and stunning Soriana Coast.

Fauna & Flora

The more common wildlife to be found in Neir Traad are woodland and grassland beasts like deer, mice, giant eagles or ogres. In the desert area the wildlife is more suited to that climate. Beetles, scorpions, snakes, sphinxes and earthworms are more common here. The marveled Giant Bees are native to the Sweethoney Kingdom but are often preyed upon by giant coastal birds or sometimes even larger owlbears. The fauna ranges from the more dense ancient woodlands, filled with common wild herbs and large rooted trees, to desert cacti, palm trees and desert reeds.

Natural Resources

Most of the finer natural resources (meats, pelts, fruit, honey) come from Neir Traad. The more common alchemical resources come from Neir Traad due to how accessible they are and often the wood elves of La Wein will exchange said supplies to people passing through.
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