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Tarminas is a basic style fantasy world developed for an ongoing college DnD game. Its story tries to deal with realistic issue with the presence of fantasy elements. Tarminas is split between 5 realms; Tarminia AKA the material plane, The Dreamscape AKA the feywilds, Alloria AKA heaven, Gaes AKA the graveyard of the gods/the Ethereal  plane, and the nine hells along with the abyss (an endless ocean of darkness that is home to Lovecraftian horrors.) Tarminia proper sits in the center of all these realms, extending like a web towards the dreamscape, hell and Alloria. The gods are separated into two different categories, higher and lower. the higher pantheon are generalized gods born into creation, and are absolutely omniscient and nearly omnipresent. the lower gods are categorized under the realms of the higher, (I.E. the god of the sea would go under the high god of nature, the god of honor under the High good of war) and are simply beings of immense power but can be defeated. lower gods are often selected by the higher gods for great deeds. Alloria also connects to the dreamscape and vice versa, but hell is seperated by Tarminas after the Planar wars in the second era, causing demons and devils (now unified after the horrific Blood wars) as a way to expand there influence to be greater than the dreamscape and Alloria. The Hells are the land of demons, while the Stygian Abyss is a toxic plane full of aberrations, and is connected to The Hells like a hourglass, the top is a winding flaming pit that is the home of demons, then goes down a great straight hole and opens up into an ocean of black water, home of horrific Aberrations. Demons tend to have nefarious plots and are common in the multiverse, but The Great Aberrations of Stygia are beings of pure chaos and madness that must climb up the endless pit to reach any other realm, with only one, Arcsith, god of chaos, being successful. Alloria, the land of the gods and celestials, is a beautiful land full of rolling fields and shining cities and virtues. Beings here promote their views of the world and are very involved in the mechanisms of the Multiverse. Rystus, high god of war, and Ascoi, high goddess of light, are from this world. the Dreamscape are elemental planes full of Ancient forests, Deep oceans, and crystal mountains. Beings from these planes are extremely powerful and can make there emotions come to life, but uninterested in the mechanisms of the multiverse with few exceptions. Ozrasil, high god of nature, Ione, high goddess of trickery, and Ahraura, high god/dess of the magicks, comes from this land. Gaes is The land of the Dead, it contains massive graveyards and the ruins of fallen civilizations. In the center is a massive mountain of broken tools, graveyard, and buildings, is said to be home of Sharus high god of both life and death. Tarminas currently consists of two continents, Derelia and Great Jaaria. the eastern continent, Derelia, consists of four nations, Vena La'Feux, The Free States of Gallus, Zinad, and the Jormarsh Islands with very few wildlands. it is a continent of known for its spread of civilization, interconnected politics, and expansionist policies. the second continent, Great Jaaria, is three times the size of Derelian, and consists of several city states and one large empire known as Yuan Dao. the city states are the Trade city of Ghulbal, Weiseiter the Haven of the sands, Aklavut Crossroad of the planes and city of Druids, and Malytlibel The Spinning Fortress.

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