Lazzesh Don Rivoilé Organization in Tannar | World Anvil
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Lazzesh Don Rivoilé

A duchy and city at a confluence between two rivers. The city and duchy has been established since the end of the dark invasion founded and found by the don Reseres. The duchy has mostly been ruled by feudalistic principle, giving authority to the nobles in the small villages surrounding Rivoilé and belonging to Rivoilé. However when Toribio the First rose to power the duchy went into inwards fighting with the autocrat heavily restricting noble authority, demoting, killing and diminishing the rights of nobles. However with the assassination of Toribio the power has fallen to the ten year old boy Lasor the third. With the young boy being in control of the throne the nobles have begun squabbling for power trying to get as much influence with the Duke and as much power within the city as they can, while the late Duke’s wife has been busy grieving. And as the nobles clamor for power and try to destroy the organization belonging to the assassin, (The Children of the heavens). They have in their power grab upset the commoners and so, created a faction powerful enough to resist the individual nobles (The commoners). Now the young duke stands against powerful nobles, demonstrating peasants and a ever increasing in power terror group. In a state of disarray and chaos.


Rivoilé has many cultural similarities to Komendar, amongst those being the Cintas and at least the public performance of the joust. But nobles in Rivoilé does not deify Lasor as much as the Komendash nobility and the jousts while still existant are not the way to settle conflicts which have been even more clear as the civil war in the Lazzesh rages on.


Rivoilé a city and duchy founded by a noble family from Komendar, the story goes that after the dark invasion the head of the don Reseres family (at the time a small noble family) Takker don Reseres, in his desire to honor the great Daren Lasor Komen, who had protected their land and fought of the dark invasion. He asked for permission to sail west after hearing rumors of a new land there, Lasor granted his wish and so he hired a few brave captains took three large ships loaded with food and people among them many important members of the don Reseres family and set off. He then after sailing through the arrows and its stormy waters for a month arrived in Tewez at what became Komendar landing, named after the kingdom that owned it. This satisfied some people’s desire of adventure but some brave scouts looked around and soon found a large area of fertile land next to multiple rivers. Takker then ventured west and settled the at the time small village of Rivoilé. The journey considered by even modern captains an incredible feat would be attempted to send news home, but no one returned and none in Komendar recorded a return. However as time would go on the fleet seemingly lost to Komendar would come to be known at home, as a message came of the don Reseres’ Lazzesh, loyal to Rivoilé. However as time would go on more Daren would try and pull on the chain that connected them to Komendar, a chain which frankly had no value except symbolic. With the first conquests of Rivoilé the duchy grew large and hostile to the rest of Tewez. Consuming large amounts of the northern settlements of Tewez. But the second conquests of Rivoilé did not go equally well and was a stalemate between most of Tewez and Rivoilé, the "Great Rivoiléan War" (as it became known) resulted in the hostile relationship which exists to this day between the Lazzesh and the confederation of cities.

A New Foundation

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
The Western Lazzesh, Lazzesh don Reseres
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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