Moon Character in Tanju | World Anvil
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Broken Body

(a.k.a. Meseka, Weolwan, Si'mana, or Suke)

Weolwan reminds us that what is broken can be born again as something new and beautiful. From her teachings come the traditional cemetery groves, where our dead live once more as trees and flowers that will outlive their descendants.
— Yuen-ji, Jangmunyo of Dosi-Senan
One of the first gods, embodied by the one whole moon of Tanju. Her body was broken beyond repair by the antics of Change and Magic, giving rise to the other four gods. Her body became a vessel for the world to be born, and from her fragments Tanju and the seven moons were made. Her followers often tend to burial rites, which traditionally involve the careful burial of the corpse with a tree or flower seedling that will eventually grow on top of it, enclosing the remains in its root system. Moon shaman tend to these burial gardens, and ensure that each plant is marked with the names of the individuals that rest beneath its roots.   There is a dark side to Moon’s worship, for she is most closely tied to lycanthropic practices among tribal Old Faith worshippers, including the purposeful spread of the curse in A’eluma in the southern jungle of Taan-jia. Among those who follow this variant of her domain, lycanthropy is a blessing from Moon designed to allow them to carry out her vengeance, and as such they often couple her worship with that of Death or War.   Moon is almost exclusively depicted as female with a human appearance reflecting the features of the culture creating the depiction, and is often depicted beside Sun, Life, or Nature. She is often protected by their embrace or presence. She is beautiful in her sorrow, tears streaming down her gaunt or rotund face. Her waterfall-like hair streams down her back, speckled with stars. Her body is riddled with cracks, reflecting her past damage due to carelessness.

Divine Domains

Moon presides over dusk and the night, but also mourning, grief, sorrow, sacrifice, and rebirth. Of the eight gods of the Old Faith, it is the most closely associated with lycanthropy, which is considered a blessing rather than a curse to her worshippers.   Its suggested cleric domains are the Grave and Twilight domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Its symbol is the eight-fragmented moon.
Divine Classification

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