Tales of galorian Returning to camp after the chaos we have caused Returning to camp after the chaos we have caused

Military action

24/1 200:00
25/1 1930:00

Daemon using magic teleports the bulk of the party back to the sylvan hideaway.
Dredoc flies off on his broom.
Adler takes off with his winged boots, zooming about the air above the camp letting loose with volleys of arrows wounding dozens if not scores of the giants, we are sure he slayed a few but with the chaos it is hard to tell.
We spend a full day and night and the next day resting within a few Sylvan Hideaway's and to lull the giants into a false sense of security and then head north to the mines and forge where we were ambushed in the midst of looting the place.

Daemon using magic teleports the bulk of the party back to the sylvan hideaway.
Dredoc flies off on his broom.
  Adler takes off with his winged boots, zooming about the air above the camp letting loose with volleys of arrows wounding dozens if not scores of the giants, we are sure he slayed a few but with the chaos it is hard to tell.
  We spend a full day and night and the next day resting within a few Sylvan Hideaway's and to lull the giants into a false sense of security and then head north to the mines and forge where we were ambushed in the midst of looting the place.