25 - Laura 07 - The Blade and the King in Tales from a Hidden World | World Anvil
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25 - Laura 07 - The Blade and the King

*"Got some Change?*"   The voice stopped her in her place, and she turned to see the speaker. They were crouched just inside the entrance to the alleyway. A loose fitting hoodie covered all of their features, and indeed, most of their build. When she didn't respond, it continued. "Pretty thing like you comin' out of a place like that. Gotta be having something special to bring you to this part of town."   "Got no Change, Sorry." Laura added, feeling a little tense. This, if anything, this was osmething she expected to happen eventually.   "Come on. Gotta have something... Everyone's got something, even if its a pound of flesh. Aint that right, Gav?"   A voice from *behind* her chuckled. "That's right. Everyone's got something."   "Look, I don't really want any trouble." She said, tucking the small wrapped package deep into a pocket, and fingering the blade as she did so. "And you don't either. Look, I'll level with you fellas. I just got out of Jail a couple of weeks back, and I've been expecting some bastards to come along all this time, so keep back, or I will cut you fuckers with *Malice*."   "Is that so?" The one before her said, as he stood. "Gav?"   She felt hands on her shoulders, and the moment she did, she glanced down. With a stomp, she buried her heel onto the toes of the one behind her, and then threw her elbow back. It found *something*, and the man behind her staggered back. Not likely out, but at least not holding her. The man in front of her lunged, and she put her left arm up to fend him off. He grabbed it with both hands... Hands, but almost *claws*, as his fingernails bit in. She slashed with Malice, across his face. There was almost as *sizzling* sound as the man Screeched and let go, nails of his left hand tearing through her jacket and skin as he did so. The man howled and clutched his face, which was still... still smoking? She didn't look any longer. She *Ran*.     --   It was almost three days later, that the Lady was back in her office, and Laura, arm bandaged up, presented herself.   She stepped through the door, looking Lady Szarka over quickly, as she came in and sat down. She removed the small box from her hoodie's front pocket, and placed it on the desk before the lady.   "The last item." She said quietly. "The last of the White list anyway."   "Indeed." The Lady said, as she reached over and picked up the small wrapped box. "May I?"   "Go ahead, its yours." Laura shrugged. "I mean. I tried, had some to choose from. Was kinda uncomfortable."   "The Young Witch told you what they are for, and that made you uncomfortable?" Her fingers tore gently at the wrapping, separating the cardboard box.   "More that you not choosing it yourself was a statement of intimacy or somewhat." Laura shrugged.   "Aaah. You prefer to consider our relationship a pure business contract then?" Lady Szarka said as she opened the box. "Oh My. Well, well..." She pulled out the small crystal dagger. Six inches long, four of which were blade, one of which was a black ribbon wrapped handle, and the last a pommel in a faint shape of a teardrop.   The Lady turned it over in her hand, feeling along the blade edge - which was not sharp by design - but traced it with her fingertips nonetheless.   Laura leaned back, and considered her answer as the Lady inspected the worked crystal.   “Well, that’s what it is, right? It’s the impression I got anyway. Because of the blackmail bargain and all.”   Lady Szarka paused. She frowned slightly, before putting the crystal blade upon the table.   “You have not opened the red envelope yet, have you?”   “N-no… I…”   “You wanted permission, and *validation*, of your efforts so far, before doing so.”   Laura felt her cheeks blushing. Infuriatingly So.   “I..”   “No, let me continue.” The lady said, as she slowly stood. She didn’t come around the desk, instead, walked to the horizontal blinded window that looked out to the rest of the shelter. She peered through them a moment, flicking them apart with fingers, then letting them snap shut.   “I did what I did to get you involved. You see, Laura. What is being embarked on is something…. Very special, very important, and very dangerous. You are not the first, you will likely not be the last, to assist me on this endeavour, but you are the one who I believed suited for it. I will not lie, when i say it is dangerous, because some of those who have assisted me in the past have paid for it. But I believe you have what it takes.”   “The city is dangerous enough as it is.” Laura said, feeling the scratches on her arm freshly burning again. She’d cleaned them out with alcohol twice, but they’d barely decided to even start to close in the days since getting them.   The lady turned to face her. “I will say this. You, are very important to me, Laura. Very important indeed. To say I trust you with my life is an understatement. *Malice*, I hoped, would show you that.”   Laura squirmed at that one. “I hadn’t thought of it that way. But I was very glad I had it.”   “You’ve had to use it?” She frowned, and gave Laura a look over, catching the very edge of bandage hanging out from under her hoodie sleeve. “And you’re injured.” Lady Szarka stepped forward. Taking Laura’s hand - forcefully - and holding it up. “What? Hey!” She protested as her sleeve was drawn back. Lady Szarka…. Inhaled? Yes, that was definitely what she did. “Look. It’s not too bad. I cleaned it up, and it’s just taking a while to heal.”   “Tell me.” The lady said, letting her arm go. “It… it was right after getting the Athame. I stepped out of the store and there were two guys. They tried to grab me, it was a mugging or something, and I slashed one of ‘em. He let me go, but scratched me up. It happens.” “Did they say anything odd? Demand anything strange?” “What? No. They wanted money and I said I had nothing. The said everyone had something. I figured it was going to go from mugging to rape when they said ‘pound of flesh’.” “And which side of Malice did you strike with?” “I don’t know. It was just adrenaline. He really screamed though. More than I expected. Like I’d set him on fire or something. Not that I felt any bit guilty.” “Silver.” The lady said. “And where was this? Where was the Cauldron?” “Uh.. between 4th and 5th, along 162nd.” “Hmm.” The lady frowned. “That’s in the downs, but quite a way from Kingsland.” “I don’t?” “Laura.” Lady Szarka added firmly, then smiled. “Elle.” She added. “I have absolutely been neglectful in… showing not only my appreciation, but my *dependance* upon you. But that will change right now. You have been wronged, and we shall attend to that immediately.”   Lady Szarka collected her coat and headed for the doorway. “Where are we going?” Laura barely managed to keep up.   “To royalty.” The lady said, as she hit the stairs heading outside, and flagged down a cab.   —-   The ride was lengthy across downtown, all the way to Kingsland, and the entire trip was conducted in silence. Laura could tell that the lady was… angry? She was something. Her usual grace and poise was very very strained.   They were deep in the Kingsland slums when they disembarked the cab. The streets were much darker here. The few shopfronts a mix of gaudy paint and faded paper, the apartment blocks equally dingy and foreboding.   The lady walked to an apartment building so much like the others. Laura followed, trying not to look around nervously. She wasn’t intimidated by the setting - she’d been in jail under worse circumstances- but there was certainly something unsettling about how *quiet* it was, even in the late afternoon.   The lady stepped to the entrance- a side entrance that stepped down a level, and buzzed an intercom. What she said, Laura couldn’t make out, but the door opened after a second, and she turned to her. “Come along. Walk tall, walk proud. You are being watched.”   The lady stepped forward into a dimly lit passageway. Every step of her heeled shoes echoed dramatically as she took casual strides forwards. Laura kept behind her, doing as she was told, looking around. She could almost *feel* the eyes on her, but could barely see the walls in the dark illumination.   The passage ended in another flight of equally dim lit stairs.   Then, a solid oak door.   “Just… do as I do, but do not say anything unless asked directly, and only then, if I do not for you.”   It opened as they approached. Soundlessly on a perfectly oiled set of hinges.   What they stepped into was almost out of this world. In the middle of the deep dark slums, was a conference room, beautifully lit with gentle light all around, thick lush carpet in a center strip. And tables clustered to the sides.   And at the end. A *throne*.   There were numerous people milling about the edges, but the lady ignored them all as she strode confidently down the carpet towards the lone person standing before the throne.   Laura kept up, looking over the lady’s shoulder, as the man turned towards them. He was tall and gangly, and had some sort of… foppish hat, like a cartoon pimp. But Laura could barely see that past his almost white skin, red eyes, and freaky ferally pointed teethed grin.   The Lady stepped before him, stopped, and performed what Laura could only guess was a simple *curtsey*….   “Your Majesty.” Lady Szarka said politely, and held out her hand.   *”Countess.”* the man said, fairly slithering forward, taking her hand in his, and Bowing to bring his lips - and those frightening teeth- to it in a gentle kiss. “It has been too long.” “Clearly too long,” She smiled, “for that is hardly my title.” “Perhaps not, but it has always suited you.” He said, returning to his height. “And who is this *delightful* little morsel you have brought with you today?”   Laura swallowed, staring at the unholy features before her, as the lady turned. “May I present, Elle.” She said proudly. “My *leszármazott*.” She added. “Elle. This, is the White King.” She waited for Laura to effect her own curtsey, before turning back to him. “And morsel, is *precisely* the reason I came here today.” She finished, the strain of anger completely returned to her voice.   “You have me at somewhat of a loss, but I am all ears for you, my dear.” He said. As he stepped up and seated himself into the throne, removing his hat and hanging it from the side, like some unnecessary crown. Laura could see, he was indeed all ears - all three pointed inches of them.   Lady Szarka beckoned Laura forward, and presented her bandaged arm. “A pair of your *subjects* accosted my *leszármazott* on official business.”   He raised his hand, deflecting, “within the boundaries of my kingdom my subjects can act as they see fit amongst the tide of humankind, so long as they only commit human crimes.”   “Have you declared war upon The Seven Covens, then?” Lady Szarka asked out loud.   He paused, and dropped his hand. “What, was that?”   “I asked, your majesty, if you have, or do you intend to declare war against The Seven Covens?”   “Of course not, do not be absurd.”   “I only ask, your majesty, because - as you said, They are free to act upon your land… but this did not occur in Kingsland. Rather within the neutral territory overseen by the Seven Covens. Right outside one of their child’s houses, if you were to believe that audacity.”   He hissed. A feral guttural growling escaping his lips, spittle beginning to seep its way between his teeth. He forcibly stopped himself, closed his eyes, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and looked back at Laura.   “Miss Elle.” He softly growled. “Please accept my humblest of apologies for your treatment at the hands of my subjects. Do tell me, however, can those who have perpetrated this be identified?”   Laura looked at Lady Szarka, who gave a half nod to her. “I couldn’t see faces. One was called Gav by the instigator. The instigator will have a large knife hash across his face.” “Blades do not concern my people.”   “Silver blades do, your majesty.” Lady Szarka added with her own feigned smile. “This one shall be well marked.”   The White King growled again. “Very well. You have presented me with news that done if my subjects are breaking their bounds. And that they may well be identified. That is a boon to me, and thus, I am in your debt, Lady *Szarka az életé*. How may I discharge it today?”   “I desire permission to visit *the mortician*.” She added firmly. “My *leszármazott* will need to liaise with him in the future, and thus an introduction would be suitable sooner rather than later.   “Is that so?” The White King pondered. “Yes, I shall grant you a visitation, and your … “ he paused for a moment. “…*Scion* shall be granted an introduction.”   He leaned forward, and bowed his head towards Laura again. “Once again, I must apologize for the terrible introduction to my realm and the most appalling behaviour you have witnessed. I shall only hope you do not hold it against the greater community of flesh eaters.”   Laura swallowed hard. “Not at all. Your majesty.” She managed to get out, now seemingly very aware that every other set of eyes in the place - all bar Lady Szarkas, we’re fixated upon her.   “Very well. I shall make it known you walk in your Mistresses stead. Enjoy your time in Kingsland.” He said, his face returning to its comically large sharp toothed grin, as he sat back, steepling his long clawed fingers before himself.   Hurriedly, she mimicked the curtsey of her lady, and followed her as she turned to leave…   ——

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