24 - Lesnia 03 - Guest in Tales from a Hidden World | World Anvil
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24 - Lesnia 03 - Guest

Once the door behind them was closed, Lesnia turned and appraised her guest. She was wearing a faded set of jeans, with a matching jacket, and a black hoodie underneath, with a print that peeked through the unbuttoned jacket. Lesnia thought it might say something about a lighthouse. Lesnia thought a proper introduction was in order.
  “Naylia, right? Fully human? So, how long have you known about,” Lesnia finished with a gesture indicating the house and herself.
  The woman, Naylia, reacted like she hadn’t expected to engage in pleasantries. “Since last night, that’s all.” “Wow!” Lesnia remarked. It had been a long time since she had talked to someone so recently aware of the world as it truly was. “Well, my name is Lesnia, and I am of the Fae. Hence the pointy ears,” she grinned as Naylia’s eyes widened slightly. “I’m of the woods, one on the side of light and life.” She paused as she saw Naylia starting to form a question.
  “So…you’re a good fairy?” Naylia hesitantly asked.
  “Well, yes and no I suppose. And I also suppose recently, it depends who you ask!” Lesnia chirped brightly. “From the way you asked, I’m assuming you’re thinking light and life is good, and otherwise would be bad.” “Common misconception!” Lesnia corrected. “My sisters of the dark and death are very important, and aren’t necessarily bad. Think about the cycle of life and death. Something dies, the corpse doesn’t just stay, right? It’s eaten, it’s just the bite size that varies.” Lesnia noticed a slightly blank expression enter Naylia’s face. “Look, so a bear or something eating a deer is death invigorating life, just as a fly laying its eggs in the carcass is, or fungi siphoning nutrients, making them available to the surrounding trees and vegetation is as well. You can’t have one without the other!” Naylia explained. “Well, you could have one without the other, but not stably, and not for long,” she amended.
  “Ok,” Naylia responded cautiously. “So there can be good and bad fairies within both aspects?” “Well, there’s another tricky thing,” Lesnia conceded. “I’m not really a fairy, as such. I’m more of what your culture would call a woodland spirit, or a dryad even, perhaps. But as time goes on and transitions happen, the lines become blurred, and so it’s easier to just use the overarching term ‘of the Fae’. That’s a capital F in Fae too, haha,” she added. “I think we should probably get started with this tour though,” Lesnia in a conspiratorial undertone, leaning towards Naylia, her hot chocolate leaning dangerously close to spilling. “Greva’s looking a little peeved heehee,” with a glance towards the gargoyle statue in the corner.
  “Right…” Naylia began.
  “Oh, I’ll show you my room, it’ll be so much fun!” Lesnia exclaimed, the thought of what she was going to wear today starting to simmer in her mind. “Come on, come on!” she urged, and charged off towards her room, not noticing the little drops of hot chocolate spilling from her mug and landing on the floor.

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