23 - Laura 06 - Unexpected Expectations in Tales from a Hidden World | World Anvil
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23 - Laura 06 - Unexpected Expectations

The Fetchling did its job, alright, Laura had to admit. There was a door alright, and there was indeed a picture of a tipped over cauldron on it. The only writing was S-S 9-9.
  The alleyway was quiet, and damp, but fairly well lit for this time of afternoon. There were no windows just the door.
  She opened it, and stepped in. She stopped dead, even as the door clicked shut behind her.
  The Inside was BRIGHT. Well lit from *all* directions. Even behind her, a wall that two seconds ago had no windows. She looked over her shoulder. There were indeed windows behind her, but were shuttered with curtains and boxed with flowers.
  She shook her head, this... No, honestly, as much as she wasn't expecting to see something like this, Laura chided herself - She SHOULD have Expected the Unexpected.
  "Oh, Sorry." A Polite, but slightly frazzled voice came from across the room. Laura snapped back, as a White headed girl stepped out of the back room behind the counter. White shirt and black vest, she looked... Well, for lack of a better term, Laura thought she looked Hungover. The girl - young lady really, about her own age - grabbed a Broom and stepped around the counter. "Is there something I can help you find? The Tipped Cauldron has it if you can find it."
  "'It' being Tipped Cauldron itself?" Laura added with a slight smile.
  "Yes. Well, Yes." The woman sighed. "Trust me, even though I need to update an address weekly, its still cheaper than paying rent. I just don't bother with Business cards." She smiled and kicked a small pile of *something* with the Broom and stepped over to Laura.
  "Rhi. Owner and Proprieter." She said with a smile. One Laura could see, was... a little forced and a little pained, based on the dark shadows around her eyes that she was, admittedly, doing well to hide.
  "Elle." Laura said, taking her hand for a quick handshake. "And... yes. Here was recommended to me to find something for... someone else. A Selenite Athame."
  "Oooh." Rhi nodded, and swept a few more things... Then curiously, looked at the broom a second... "*Smetat*" She said firmly, and let the broom go. Laura looked on puzzled, at first. The Broom stood up, without falling, and then... Slowly... began sweeping. That... That was...
  "Okay, so, Athames are... Somewhat over here." Rhi added with a smile and turning, pointing to the wall on the left. "I do try to keep them separated from the regular blades, given their purposes."
  Laura shook her head, drawing her eyes away from the gently swinging holder-less broom and started to follow the white haired woman, although she couldn't stop herself from looking over her shoulder. Then something caught back with her.
  "Blades?" She asked casually. "Mmhmm." Rhi said, as she pulled up to a chest of drawers and fumbled with a key. She found the one she was looking for after a second, and unlocked three drawers. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but I can tell you're not one to have one of these yourself. But the fact you're *here* means that you've got at least some connection to the greater world. Which, perhaps that means a Patron or a Guardian, or a Parent or a Loved one. And its for *them* that you're after." She slid the drawers open. "Athames are Ritual Knives" she explained. "They can be actual knives or knife-shaped things, but the actual status of the blade is immaterial, as they're not used for cutting, but for channelling, so don't worry, you're not buying something for someone to cut themselves with."
  "That's... Okay." Laura winced. Considering the weight of *Malice* in her pocket. Given that the Lady had given that to *her*, she could only wonder what she had to defend herself with, if that was immaterial.
  "Now, Selenite, you said?" Rhi said, pulling back a red piece of silk that was obscuring blades. "Selenite isn't a rarity, but its not common enough that I don't have more than two or three." She found them, and pointed them out, as she beckoned Laura closer. "Come, have a look. Just.. a look. If its for someone else, we won't touch them. But have a look at them, and decide which one you feel fits them the best."
  "Yes. Fits. These are personal items of ritual. Most would choose their own, getting a feel for the one they would be attached to, to call upon when they need it. For someone to trust someone else with it, is an immensely intimate sign of trust, so take your time. When you decide, just let me know, and I'll pick it out with silk."
  "Okay then." Laura said with a deep inhale. "Thank you, Rhi. I'll just be a moment."
  "Take your time. As you can see, I'm not exactly drowning in customers right now."
  Laura stepped up and looked down at them. There were actually four of the blades marked as Selenite. Which, Laura found out, was a White Crystal. Bloody Hell, here she was, picking out a goddamn Crystal Dagger for the Lady. And this was supposed to be something Special and Intimate and Personal for her? What the HELL was she doing here?!

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