21 - Ashley/Rhi 04 in Tales from a Hidden World | World Anvil
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21 - Ashley/Rhi 04

Her Phone was Ringing. Her *PHONE* was *RINGING*
  With a Groan, Rhi leaned over and fumbled for it. It wasn't where it normally was, charging beside her bed. She scratched for a moment on an empty tabletop, and then realised... It wasn't her Bed.
  Where was She?
  She sat up quickly, and... IMMEDIATELY regretted it. Her head was *pounding*.
  She found her phone after a minute. The call had long been missed, and in the meantime, replaced with a Text Message... From Ashley, hoping that she was alright, and to let her know as soon as possible.
  She glared at the bright screen, typed out a message that she was alive and would get back to her with more information soon, sent it off, and then collapsed back into the bed.
  There was a gentle knock at the door, and she sat back up quickly again... And Winced heavily. She took a moment, then answered. "Yes?"
  "Mistress Rhi." The almost sibilant voice said from the far side of the cracked door. "Are you Decent? May I step in?"
  She frowned. SHe wasn't expecting a male voice, but then, it was passingly familiar. "Is that you, Seth? Yes, I am decent. You're... Nessa's Cowan, right?"
  "That is correct, Mistress Rhi." The thin man said as he somehow fit himself *and* his fedora through what appeared to be only a cracked door. His suit was still somehow immaculate from the night. Perhaps it was a new one, and that was just how he dressed, Rhi's head hurt too much to think about it. "Mistresses Tasha and Nessa have already risen and left for the days business, but left me to protect you while you recover. Do you need anything?"
  Rhi blinked, and then looked down at the phone beside her. She took a moment to focus on the time that was displayed on it.
  The Time.
  Oh *Goddess*, the *Time*...
  She flipped her legs out of bed and tried to stand. She Suddenly felt like she was falling, but then realised that the feeling of falling had only come *after* she had already started to fall, and the gentle hands of Seth had caught her by wrist and shoulder and was demurely holding her in place.
  "Please, Mistress Rhi. You must not rush. Witchbane will take some time to release its grasp on you. You will feel physically better with some water, but you need to take it easy right now."
  "I can't." She managed to say as she rocked back to balance. "My Job... Starts in an Hour. *Sabbats*... I won't even have time to change."
  "I can get you there." He added with a nod. "We already have a cab waiting for you to take you home, but if you need to go elsewhere, it is yours. But please do not stress yourself too much, Mistress Rhi. You need more rest and care to be yourself again."
  "Why on earth did they have Witchbane burning last night *anyway*?" She asked, a little flabbergasted.
  "Window Dressing." Seth added with a nod. "You did not see as you rushed through, but the Crowd was a little... Anti-People like You. Thus, a screen of Witchbane. If the place is filled with it, then clearly, there are no Witches here."
  "That makes... Entirely too much sense." She said, taking a step and steadying herself. "My shoes?"
  "Waiting outside with Water and some Toast, although I am afraid it is quite cold now. You slept longer than I was anticipating."
  "Its fine, thankyou Seth. Just... Help me get to the door. I can find my way from there."
  "As you Desire, Mistress Rhi." He stepped back, and gestured for the door Languidly.
  She got into work, stepping in the rear entrance. She grabbed an Apron and threw it on quickly before washing her hands and heading for the door that separated the back from the cafe front. She headed out there, and nodded tiredly at the two other women already there.
  "Rhi, dear, you look TERRIBLE." Jasmine, the taller of the two said, as she came up to them.
  "Yeah, sorry. I had... Kind of an emergency yesterday that turned into a very long night." She offered half a smile. "The kind of night where you go for Tea, and then get nothing but *Long Island Iced*..."
  "Sounds like it was fun at least." Kayla added. "Its been slow here so far, but you're in time for the Lunch rush at least. Your turn to man the machine." "Right." Rhi nodded, and headed for the espresso maker. This was something she could almost do in her sleep at least. The machine was old and cantankerous, and didn't have an automatic timer for the steamer, but it was manual enough and familiar enough that she could just make some lattes to get her head under herself again.
  Seth had been kind, and given her what sustanence he could in Water, Milk and Cold buttered toast, and it had cleared her head enough to walk straight. But he'd warned that more than that would take a lot of time.
  She steamed a pot of milk, and tossed a spoon into it... She stirred it three times, and then, holding the spoon upright, focused on it...
  "*Razmeshat*." She said quietly, but firmly. Nothing happened. "*Razmeshat*." She repeated, a little firmer, but just as quietly. Nothing.
  "Girl, that spoon's not going to stir itself." Kayla said as she walked past. Rhi winced and looked up. "Give her a break, Kayla." Jasmine added. "We all wish half of this stuff would work on its own if we had half the chance."
  Rhi sighed, and picked up the pot of milk and turned around, so her back was to the other women. "*Razmeshat*." She said one last time.
  And the Spoon shuddered. Just once. Just a little.
  She sighed in relief at even just that little twitch. Its comfort was enough to get her through the Workday in the Cafe.

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