Tycheron Settlement in Talam'h | World Anvil
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The banner of the great boar flies high over Ashguard; the nation was founded from small beginnings. A citadel with an outlying town known as Ashguard Garrison, the town being known as Tycheron. Eventually the town expanded at the behest of the Vassal-Governor, Duergothoth. Ashguard Garrison is host to the largest military South of Arcadia. Tycheron itself being home to over 25,000 people.


40% Human 30% Halfling 25% Dwarves 5% Other


Before the Dragon Wars: Duergothoth, the Vassal-Governor over the Asmark region, is chiefly in charge. Below her are the Regent & the High Priest.
After the Dragon Wars: The Regent is the Chief Executive Officer of Tycheron. They appoint members to the House of Regents, which serve to help them direct policy throughout the city and region. Next to the Regent is the Soren. The Soren is the high judge; their first priority is defending the laws of the Ebon Regius, and then enforcing the laws crafted by the Regent and House of Regents. To help them in these tasks the Soren appoints members to the Court of Statutes, a group of lesser judges that carry out the usual demands of a law official.

Industry & Trade

Black marble, gold, silver, iron, oak timbers, black-scaled trout, military grade weaponry & armor.


The Mason & Mining industries are the primary source of wealth and employment in Tycheron. Various metallurgists and jewelers also are quite common.


Founded originally as Ashguard Garrison, a military citadel & force dedicated to repelling the advancing forces of the Ashlands to the South. From there a town sprung up around it called Tycheron. This town quickly became through production and trade a bustling capital of a new formed nation of Independent City-States - The Ashguard Federation.

Full list of Tycheron's (Under the Federation of Ashguard) Regents: 1. Yorick Voldren (30 years) 2. Isak Andel (6 years) 3. Senua Voldren (Present)


Most of the buildings are made of the black marble stone hewn out from the Asmark Mountain Range. Most being supported by the oak wood native to the region. Dwarven style is abundant here, and does not extend only to that of dwarves; the humans, halflings & other races that make up the mason industry have adopted this style as their own.


Built into the side of the Asmark Mountain Range. The Vestrevel River runs East through the middle of the city.
Founding Date
535 YD
Alternative Name(s)
The Ebon City
51,565 (As of 47 YH)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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