Nizke Doublelock (Cleric) Character in Takissis | World Anvil
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Nizke Doublelock (Cleric)

Nizke Is not your typical Kobold by any means. He was found as an egg by the Gnome Cleric Dimble Duvamill Doublelock. Dimble knew when he found the egg that there was a life force inside and vowed to see it come into this world and raise it as his own. Done with is adventuring Dimble returned to his home located in “Kiys Highlands”. The Shire of Tillydrone is located between the “Tryilm Woodland” and the Highlands.   Giving access to the “Tunnel Works Mine”. Nearby is the Kilms Stream named after Tillydrone founding father Kilms Tillydrone. The woods provided plenty of food for the shire and Nizke was a natural at hunting the many animals that lived there. His natural tunneling ability and his enhanced dark vision proved to be a boon to the gnomes that were working there digging out the ores for their gadgets and gems for trading. Due to the rich ore and plentiful gems Tillydrone was a wealthy and prosperous trading town.   Even though Kobolds and Gnomes were rivals for trading contracts in many places, the Gnomes of Tillydrone accepted Nizke mostly due to Dimbles teachings and him wearing the symbol of Bahamot that was found with the egg. Due to Nizke’s sensitivity to the bright light of the outside the Gnomes have made him a pair of spectacles. Round metal trimmed frames with screen sides to reduce the glare while outside of the tunnels. Due to the great care he received his scales were a vibrant shade of green with well-trimmed nails on the ends of his long nimble fingers.   He seemed to always be dressed in emerald green robes which were a contract to Dimbles azure blue ones. He always carried an ornate dagger that was given to him by the gnomes on his 21st hatching day. Ever present was the sling that was looped over the embroidered belt he wore. When he wandered outside of the shire most people accepted him with a bit of caution mainly due to wearing a Blue coverlet trimmed in green with the symbol of Bahamot in Silver on the front.

Physical Description

Body Features

Green Scales
Kiys Highlands
3' 6'

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