Universal Language Language in Tajus Star System | World Anvil
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Universal Language

Mixing words

Written by jbmcgraw

While there are several variations and dialects across the Confederation, what is considered the 'universal standard' is a mixture of English and Spanish. The majority of servivors to reach the Tajus System spoke one or both of them, allowing them to blend and absorb other languages that made it. There are records of other specific languages such as French, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and others. However, there are only small pockets of societies that speak one of these other languages as their primary language. The universal language has absorbed many words, phrases, and styles from all of the languages. This use of common language has created at least some cultural continuity and made politics, buisness, and warfare simpler.

Writing System

The alphabet consists of the 26 letter english alphabet. Words from other languages which require special characters are spelled phonetically.

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