Information on the ethnicities, cultures and traditions of the people of Tairos
A cosmic doomsday myth that is said to be slowly unfolding and many fear will pick up speed
Funerary ritual important to the Frostmerite People
The conglomerate of races and cultures in the Bitter Depths that serve the Xikhani
Fae holiday that celebrates friendship, bonds and community
Ships the role they played in the history of Tairos
The metropolitan people that call Ghal Pelor home
Celebration held in far harbor to honor the final moments of the crew of the Broken Bell
The defiant and enduring humans of the north
The reclusive and mysterious people that call Baradrad home
The drink that binds civilization together
Aging, Life Cycles, and the Impact of Time
Tribal people of the Tairuk Island Chain
The elven peasantry that lives along Lake Lunarch
Commonly consumed drink
How time and dates are kept
Tales of the arrival of the New Gods and the dark times before
A tale told around the Tairuk Island Chain regarding ancient treasure and the untold perils in its pursuit
Forgotten Halfling Holiday
Process by which the Apostles of the Pallid King are "born"
The most important holiday celebrated in Frial
Dwarves who come from Ash Plains of Cinderstone and worship the Chain Maker
Raiders who make their home in the harsh island chain known as the Stormlands
The living entities that act as custodians for nature
The keepers of the old ways and bloody warrior zealots
The nature of faith and the divine
Humans who believe in racial purity and a twisted version of Balmoran ideology
How and why birthdays are celebrated
The bloody history and ghostly inhabitants of the MacMurdaugh Hotel
Once popular sport that has faded into obscurity