Drow Ethnicity in Taerekel | World Anvil
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Drow, AKA Dark Elves, Lantern Elves, or Whisp Folk, are elves who long ago were lost in the Sea of Lights, a massive forest far north that was eternally night and filled with the drifting glow of blue, peaceful will-o-whisps.   The elves were once warned not to hunt there by their god and creator Corellon. A tribe that had grown large but had a poor harvest season did not heed his orders, hungry as they were, and went in to the woods to hunt when they could not find enough game elsewhere, only to be lost. The forest is an inescapable maze to anything not native. They survived there and grew in number trying desperately to find a way out.   Eventually, over the course of many, many generations they became one with the Sea of Lights which in turn allowed them to escape it, and many of them left to embrace the sunlight. Corellon disowned the Drow when they emerged and were grateful to once again worship beneath his rays even though it now hurt them, seeing them as disobedient fools who had gotten justice for breaking heavenly decree. His wife Eilistraee saw them as desperate people who were only trying to feed themselves and had suffered long for being living creatures wanting to survive. Corellon insisted they should be willing to die if that is the only choice besides breaking heavenly law. Eilistraee, disgusted, left him. A disgraced and embarrassed Corellon turned his back on both the drow and Eilistraee for all time, and seeded rumors that she was unfaithful and scheming to his followers, forever separating the Drow from their kin.

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