Dragonborn Ethnicity in Taerekel | World Anvil
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Dragonborns are descendants of half-humanoid, half-dragon hybrids that breed true. They are born from eggs and incubation is a very difficult period for a brooding pair, as the vigilance required doesn't mesh well with what the rest of society expects from the majority of races. F1 dragonborn are practically unheard of these days now that chromatic dragons have gone extinct and metallic dragons are either in hiding or endangered. Dragonborn have become very divided on the idea of taking other races or even other colors of dragonborn as lovers as a result, with some of them viewing it as a dramatic spiral to pending extinction. There are dragonborn colors of almost any chromatic and metallic color, including brown, yellow, and steel. No purples however, perhaps because there are so much fewer humanoid races in the Underdark. Mixes in color and anatomy do occur when two strong bloodlines cross.

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