Desiel Besean Character in Taerekel | World Anvil
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Desiel Besean

Desiel Besean (a.k.a. Bee)

Desiel was born and raised in Círbaan in the Northern Province. At a young age, his soldier parents were sent to help with the unrest brewing in Dryad's Gold. He was thirteen when the city fell to Tchzzar. With the threat of Des being shipped off to be raised by unknown relatives, his older brother, Varna, declared adulthood early in order to claim custody of Desiel. The brothers were then able to stay together in Círbaan while Varna finished his studies, and was soon hired at The Northern Institute of Arts and Sciences. Having such access to the Institute provided many extracurricular opportunities for Desiel. With a strong desire to be a hero and help others like his late parents had, most of his pursued interests were related to physical training--sports, gymnastics, fight training, and even dance.

  With Varna's vehement objections to him joining the Northern Army like their parents, Desiel instead joined the local city guard after becoming an adult. Unfortunately, crimes in Cirbaan are few. So after a decade of standing around being bored, he packed up to leave home and see the world and find a little adventure.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic build. He works out to keep fit, relieve stress, and stay agile. Because of this, he has some notable muscle but doesn't work to specifically build extra.

Identifying Characteristics

Long black hair most frequently straightened and styled in an up-do that consists of bump in front and the back tied in to a bun/ponytail hybrid. When down and unstyled, his slightly wavy hair reaches mid-back.

Physical quirks

Very straight posture from both his time in the guard and generally vain nature.
Known to slouch at times when conflicted or in deep thought.
He tends to square up his shoulders when ready for action or has found new direction in some dilemma he has been mulling over.

Special abilities

Desiel was gifted a champion's arrow by the goddess Avandra. However, with no trainer and his goddess having very limited power, he is still working out exactly how it can be used and what it can do.   In general, Des has a poor understanding of magic but has managed to learn one cantrip--Shocking Grasp.

Apparel & Accessories

Des loves fashion and feels good when he looks good. However, he does not have much opportunity to wear anything that isn't practical (with the exception of capes, which he will eagerly add to any outfit). Most commonly wearing a simple loose button-up tucked in to slim black jeans which are in turn tucked in to mid-calf laced boots. Plus the cape, of course. He will also argue up and down that the cape is in fact very practical as it helps hide his equipment but we all know he's just making up excuses.
He is particularly fond of wearing black, gold, and navy blue (as they bring out his eyes).

EQUIPMENT   Nowadays, Des hardly ever leaves the base without his equipment, even when heading to his simple retail job or running a quick errand. He wears fine-mesh scale mail under his shirt, a scimitar belted at his hip, and a collapsible shield strapped to his forearm. Within a messenger bag he'd keep other equipment like a special champion's arrow, spare bolts, and his Hornet--a collapsible, wearable crossbow--and the Tinkerpalm--a glove that helps to amplify his shocking grasp cantrip. When going out on a job or anywhere else trouble is more expected, he would also bring along his Sentinel Shield and simple long bow.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

He / Him




  • Cirbaan City Guard: 11 years
  • Copper Fang... "muscle"?: Some months
  • Retail Clerk at Fina's Fineries: Some weeks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has only need one revivify.

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma

So many.

Personality Characteristics


Inspired by his parents and others in his upbringing, Des simply wants to do good and desires to inspire the same in others.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Confident and optimistic, he will often go to action without planning exactly what he is going to do or say.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: swords, fashion, horseradish, and revolution. Fond of children.
Dislikes: fire, being grimy, and political corruption. Has some hangups about dragons.

Personality Quirks

Though always fond of theatrics, he tends to be entirely over-dramatic when particularly stressed or his confidence has taken a hit.


Contacts & Relations

Adari: Very close and cherished friend. They have been through a lot together and they get along well. He has grown to greatly value her input and opinions.
Rook: Though a new companion, Des took an immediate liking to him--appreciating both the tiefling's ~flair~ and how well they work together on the battlefield.
Dotti: Though he doesn't know much about them yet (and seems they don't know much about themselves either), he feels they have a good heart and are a valuable member of the team.
Seoulare: Boyfriend --Des developed a quick kinship with Sol over their similar backgrounds and philosophies which soon grew into a trusted friendship and then a crush. They haven't been able to see each other much since they started dating and Des always seems eager to spend time with him.
Penny: That's my [adopted] little sister.
Dizzy: Has mad respect for her even though it seems they don't see eye-to-eye on several things.
Oum: [Hurt]

Family Ties

Varna - Brother, 189 y/o, Scholar. Last known location: Northern Province
Esella - Mother (Deceased)
Raik - Father (Deceased) Voutelha El’Tael - maternal grandfather

Religious Views

Friendship ended with Corellon. Now Avandra is his best friend.

Hobbies & Pets

One time he went to Red Lobster and came home with a small red lobster familiar. Their name is Snippet and they are very polite.

Champion of Avandra, former small-town cop, lover of capes, and skilled swordsman.

View Character Profile
Former Lawful Good learning some New Shit
Date of Birth
10th of Itovus, 4085
Círbaan, Northern Provence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Elven, Common, Dwarven, Celestial, and Infernal

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