Taco Land Geographic Location in Taco Land | World Anvil
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Taco Land

Written by TPUR

Taco Land Geography

  Through thousands of years Taco Land has formed to what it is today. Filled with many different animal spicies and many different types of Tacos every part of Taco Land is different.  

Main Areas of Taco Land

  There are four different parts of Taco Land including Taco City, Filling Mountain, Nacho Lake, and Poultry Valley. Each have different aspects that make them unique including the wild life, taco people, and landscape.  

Taco City

  Taco city is the biggest settlment of tacos in all of Taco Land. The architecture and society is the most advanced too. You can learn more about Taco City in this article:   Most of taco city is flat land which made out of beef. There is a vast area where cows are grown and bread so all the beef tacos can survive and eat. Most of the city is above land but there is a very big hole which is now a settlement. This hole used to be a mine so that the beef tacos just had to mine the ground for beef. This quickly became a very bad idea because they would most likely run out of land to mine.   There are a few trees here and there but most space is farmland and part of the big city. If you wander out to these farm they are pretty open and you might even find some odd birds that the people of Taco City call big feathered birds.    The main part of the city is built up and has many homes that are all shaped like tacos in some way or another. There are skyscrapers but must only have windows that are shaped like tacos. The biggest building there is the Grand Taco Palace which is the home of the king of Taco City the entire building has elements shaped like tacos and all the decorations have something to do with the history of Taco City.    

Filling Mountain

  Filling mountain is home to the vegitarian tacos and is a smaller settlement or tacos who are made up of only vegatables. These tacos have the best agriculture and engineering in all of Taco Land. If you want to learn more about these tacos then have a visit to Filling Mountain:    The entirity of filling mountain is made out of tortilla chips. The tacos that live in these mountains have carved out parts of the mountain so they can farm vegatables. Most of the setttlement is grouped around the various farms and they are in forms of huts that resemble a taco shape for the roof or the entire house. Most of the tacos living there are super simplistic and are very easy going.   Most of the area is very rocky and has a vast farming area which is the only vegitation around. There is little to no wild life minus the occasional mountain goat.    Most of the homes and comercial buildings are grouped in one are around the Grand Taco's Farmand House. Each house has a verybasic almost hut like look to them. To commute the taco villigers have built lifts that automatically take them to another part of the mountain.    

Nacho Lake

  Nacho Lake is home to the fish tacos who are made up of normal taco fillings but their main protien source in fish. Nacho Lake is also home to a small city built mainly around the lake. The tacos of Nacho Lake are most known for their fishing and maritime skills. Do you like Nacho Lake? Then hop on a boat tour here:   Nacho Lake is made out of water and some salsa. The tacos that inhabit the area have made homes and docs that are right on the water. Most of the tacos work on the lake to farm and collect fish. All docs and other water related buildings are grouped closer to the lake front while homes are usually pushed back from the work space. Most buildings aren't shaped like tacos exept for the windows.    The whole area is very swampy and wet but the farther you get from the lake, the closer you get to the grass (cheese). The grass area is home to many ducks who wadle around next to the small stream that connects to the lake and somewhere else that no taco from Nacho Lake has ever gone.   The Chief Taco of Nacho Lake resides with his family on a small island that is right next to the comercial area. Most have to take a small boat to get to the island.    

Poultry Valley

  Poultry Valley is home to chiken tacos and other tacos made with poultry. Poultry valley is a very large town with tons of grassy areas to run and play in. Most of the city is spread in the middle of the valley. These tacos are most know for being chill. Want to read more visit them here:    The hills that surronds Poultry Valley are made out of beans that have been compacted and melted down. The tacos that live in the valley have made homes that surround the town square and where all trading is done. Most of the chiken and poultry farm are on the outskirts of the town and closer to the basses of the hills.    Most of the valley is very grassy (cheese) and has tons of space to run. At one end of the town you can find a small forest of pepper trees. Most animals are just chikens, turkey, and other birds. At some point there is a part of the hills that just sink into the ground and come out flat. No one has ever ventured out of the town.   The Mayor of Poultry Valley lives in the farthest streatches of the town close to the forest. The Mayor lives in a big mansion that has the shape of a taco for a roof.
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